Physical, Mental And Emotional Health Are Closely Linked
May 10, 2014
Depression, Mind Power, Proper Exercise, Self-Care, Stress, Wellness
Most of us are aware of the physical benefits of exercise but we usually only think it benefits us below the neck. We know we can expect stronger muscles and bones; we can lose some weight and slow the aging…
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There Is A New Revolution On It’s Way And Its Called Wellness
April 5, 2014
Disease Prevention, Proper Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles, Self-Care, Wellness, Youthfulness
We are on the cusp of a revolution, something so powerful that it will change the path that mankind is taking. This groundswell of change is coming about because we are waking up to the fact that health means more…
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Fitness – The Secret To Success
March 9, 2014
Depression, Life Success, Mind Power, Self-Care, Stress, Wellness
We are always trying to pack more into our day and most times proper exercise gets left out because it takes up too much time. As a result our strength levels decline along with our fitness level, our waistlines increase…
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