Leptin: The Hormone Behind Hunger and Weight Regulation

A recent survey showed that many people believe they are living a healthy lifestyle even though two thirds of us are overweight and one third of those obese. Most people believed it was a lack of exercise that contributed the…
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Strength Training Exercise For Body and Brain Health

It is a sad fact that 8 out of 10 adults do not do enough proper exercise. This means their muscles do not get worked anywhere near enough to keep vital “growth and repair” hormones stimulated and flowing. The growth…
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Powerful Visualization Tool

Powerful visualization tool: Imagine a scenario where you visualize a horse and cart, symbolizing your complete self. In this analogy, your physical body represents the cart, carrying the weight of your physical condition and any other baggage you may carry.…
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The Driving Factor Behind Fitness Success –

It’s great that we focus on the best eating plan and exercise program that works for us in order to achieve great results in the shortest amount of time. However, there is one thing that comes into play before any…
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Enjoy Your Daily Health Shake

Who doesn’t want to live a long, healthy, vital life? One that we’re an active participant and not sitting on the sidelines? What’s the use of having our “senior years” if we can’t enjoy them? Living is about the quality…
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Lack of Sunlight and Vitamin Deficiency

Sometimes in life we swing the pendulum wildly from one course of action to the other. Such is the case with our relationship with the sun. For many, the sun has become the bad guy. They’ve been told their whole…
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Strength Training Helps Eliminate Emotional Stress

Our modern-day lives are indeed busy. Technology continues to speed up our world, placing excessive demands on our time, causing personal expectations to rise. This undue stress ends up plagueing us with health damaging, negative emotions as it weaves its…
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Connecting To Our Core Values

Self-esteem is a standard of measurement or value judgment defining how we feel about ourselves and our self worth. It is ultimately an emotional evaluation and most often based on how we stand up to and compare ourselves to others.…
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The Value of Self Discipline

We live in the age of technology, an age that provides us a wealth of information that is readily available at our fingertips on every subject imaginable. A new generation of health and fitness seekers has emerged as people all…
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Target Your S.M.A.R.T. Goals

All of us entertain different dreams and visions about our lives and what we want to accomplish with them. Our smaller visions are easy for us to grasp and realise. However our bigger dreams often cause intimidation and we end…
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