Take Advantage of Your Metabolic Furnace…
July 24, 2017
Anti Aging Exercise, Habit, Happiness, Metabolism
Do you exercise regularly in hopes of ridding yourself of excess weight but your excess weight doesn’t budge? You’re in good company. Thousands of people exercise daily under the mistaken belief that all exercise is the same, therefore all results…
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Intense Work-Out With Slow Weight-Training…
March 20, 2016
Anti Aging Exercise, Disease Prevention, Metabolism, Proper Exercise, Weight Loss
With so many exercise and fitness options readily available these days, there really is no valid excuse (except for the rare few) not to be physically fit.
Additionally, it’s no secret that resistance exercise or strength training of some sort…
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Healthy Muscles and Healthy Bones Work as a Team
February 4, 2015
Anti Aging Exercise, Depression, Disease Prevention, Metabolism, Sedentary Lifestyles
It wasn’t until recent times that the process of losing muscle and muscle tone during adult life acquired a name, sarcopenia, which simply means “vanishing flesh or muscle tissue.
Sarcopenia is a serious condition marked by a reduction in muscle…
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The Four Components That Make A Fitness Plan Complete
June 27, 2014
Anti Aging Exercise, Mind Power, Motivation to Exercise, Proper Exercise, Self-Care, Self-Discipline, Weight Loss, Wellness
Often when people decide to make a lifestyle change and start a fitness plan or eat better they manage to get one or two components right but neglect to have a complete plan.
If major changes are needed with your…
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Make it Your Fitness Goal to Develop an Exercise Habit
June 17, 2014
Anti Aging Exercise, Disease Prevention, Habit, Happiness, Proper Exercise, Self-Care, Wellness, Youthfulness
Want to develop a fitness habit, be fit and look great?
What separates those who can stick to a fitness program from those who call it quits before they get the results they expect? Despite what you may think, it…
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When You Are Strong And Fit You Are Not Only Healthier But Saner And Happier As Well
May 23, 2014
Anti Aging Exercise, Depression, Disease Prevention, Happiness, Life Success, Mind Power, Motivation to Exercise, Proper Exercise, Self-Care
It is human nature to be in the pursuit of happiness.
We often seek happiness from external sources such as relationships, the acquisition of monetary wealth and power, careers, developing intelligence, externally looking good and successful to others.
Material things…
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Conquering Your Exercise Excuses
May 20, 2014
Disease Prevention, Life Success, Metabolism, Motivation to Exercise, Proper Exercise, Self-Care, Self-Discipline, Wellness
If you are like most people, you can probably come up with plenty of reasons (excuses) for why you are not more active.
You’re too young, you’re too old, you’re too busy, you’re too tired or you’re in pretty good…
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Are You Ready and Prepared to Live Decades Longer Than Your Parents?
May 14, 2014
Anti Aging Exercise, Disease Prevention, Proper Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles, Self-Care, Wellness, Youthfulness
The really good news is you have the capacity to live well into your 80’s, 90’s even topping 100!
But, consider for a moment, about the quality of your life and health. It has been predicted only 3 out of…
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Realign Your Metabolism For Maximum Longevity And Youthfulness
May 10, 2014
Anti Aging Exercise, Metabolism, Proper Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles, Self-Care, Wellness, Youthfulness
None of us want to get old. In our modern youth orientated society there are no rewards for getting old especially if it is before your time.
Staying as youthful as possible is big business with anti-aging treatments and…
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Your Muscles Are Your Bodies Armor and Defense
May 9, 2014
Anti Aging Exercise, Metabolism, Proper Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles, Self-Care, Wellness, Youthfulness
Because we cannot really see our muscles we tend to forget about their importance and most of us have no idea of how much they can affect our health and well-being especially as we get older. Not only do our…
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