Leptin: The Hormone Behind Hunger and Weight Regulation

A recent survey showed that many people believe they are living a healthy lifestyle even though two thirds of us are overweight and one third of those obese. Most people believed it was a lack of exercise that contributed the…
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Control Ghrelin for Permanent Weight-loss…

Hormones are chemical messengers that give instructions to cells, tissues and organs. Whenever a message needs delivery to a body-part hormones are secreted into the bloodstream where they are transported to that specific hormone’s receptors. After arriving at their destination…
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Proper Exercise is Cellulite’s Enemy

Cellulite…although kind of “catchy” as a word, is definitely not something that anyone wants associated with their bodies. In plain, simple terms, cellulite is a type of stored fat tissue. Inside this fat tissue is connective tissue that protects our…
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