Strength Training Makes Older Men and Women Smokin’ Hot


Conjure up a picture of what someone in their prime looks like. Would it include the following?  A healthy, firm, well shaped body, a quick step, good posture and a bearing that suggests confidence and enthusiasm, energy to spare and oozing vitality and a zest for living? Can we attain that youthful appearance and energetic condition no matter what our age?

 The reason the body of a 60-year-old looks very different from that of a 30-year-old isn’t just the wrinkling of its outer casing, but what’s happening to the stuffing inside.

When muscle and bone start shrinking, bodies sag, postures droop and aging speeds up at an accelerated rate.

 Not long ago, it was believed that the gradual muscle loss that starts in the 30s was an inescapable effect of aging that puts you on the downhill run to deterioration trapped in a body increasingly made up of more fat and less muscle.

 Today, however, we know that many of the physical weaknesses in mind and body that make aging so oppressive aren’t necessarily predestined. If we take care of ourselves properly, muscles do not have to shrink and weaken, bones do not have to become brittle, limbs do not have to become inflexible, backs and joints do not have to ache, metabolisms do not have to slow to a crawl and fat does not have to bulge and spill out from our clothes. 

Those who understand the concept of self care take charge and control their aging process, creating health and strength, cooperating with nature to achieve their best genetic potential, and live with the enjoyment of feeling and looking their best.

Those that ignore this concept for whatever reason are creating the sickly, flabby, uncomfortable body that they end up being trapped in while they helplessly watch as their health and vitality slip away.

Father Time does take its toll on a body, but you don’t have to sit back and let the effects of aging take place without a fight. You absolutely have the power to control how much and how fast the aging process works on your body. You can even reverse some of the damage that has already been done over the years or decades. The proven antidote to this decline is the very old concept of strength training exercise. Readily available for all to participate in, minimum skill is required to learn some basic exercises that can turn your life around.

Those who live a lifestyle of strength and fitness have far fewer physical and mental problems, avoid illness and disease, and enhance their years with a healthier and higher quality life. They are a sharp contrast to the flabby, out-of-shape, sickly masses who continue to spend ever increasing billions of dollars each year on medical expenses, doctors, specialists, prescriptions, diet pills, diet programs and yet continue to be plagued with an ever increasing rate of poor health as a result of their not being strong and fit.


Mere movement, or “any exercise is good enough”, is not sufficient if you truly wish to prepare for your later years and beat off Father Time with a big stick. Remember, muscles respond to strength training in exactly the same way whether they are 60-year-old muscles or 20-year-old muscles.

In today’s youth obsessed world, anyone who is strong and in great shape stands out from the crowd. They are admired for beating the curve, for taking control and achieving a high performance body and a healthy lifestyle. Anyone can break free from the shackles of aging and remain smokin hot throughout their lives. Let yourself be one of them.



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