Small Mighty Wonder Chia Seeds


chia seedIf you try to narrow down the best diet for perfect health, you’d come to realize there really isn’t one. For the most part diets are personal and related to cultures, location, finances and other variables.

So, rather than try and pick the “right diet” it’s better to focus on which whole, healthy foods are “right” for most people.

The little but mighty chia seed is one of those.

Chia seeds have been around since before 900 BC when they were cultivated in central Mexico and they are making a huge comeback in today’s diet. Both the Aztecs and Mayans as well as other Native American cultures used this little wonder seed as a main part of their diet. In fact, because it was light and easy to carry around in small pouches, Aztec warriors sometimes had to survive on rations of chia seed. It provided the energy and endurance (they could run long distances by just consuming this little seed) they needed in battle.

Chia seeds have not only been a super food of the past, but oftentimes because of its health value, it was used as trade currency. It’s obvious then that the small but powerful chia seed provides us with important nutritional properties.

Salvia hispanica, a dessert, flowering plant, is the botanical name for Chia seed. It is part of the mint family which includes other aromatic herbs like rosemary, sage, basil, oregano, lavender, marjoram and thyme.

Amazing health benefits this little seed provides us:

Chia seeds are antioxidant rich seeds that help to eliminate damaging free radicals from our body.

Gluten free and non-GMO

Provides an abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids which help to reduce inflammation by strengthening the immune system and keep your brain strong and healthy as well as your cholesterol (they are cholesterol free) and heart.

Rich source of fiber and complete source of protein (used to repair and build muscle tissue) just two tablespoons of chia seed provides 4.4 grams of protein.

Beneficial for diabetics and suitable for low carb diets because of its low ranking on the glycemic index.

Keeps the body hydrated because it can absorb 10 times its weight in water.

Keeps us feeling full and satiated so we are not constantly reaching for food. Less food consumed, the less calories consumed leading to weight loss.

Offers significant amounts of Niacin, Thiamine, Vitamin B2 as well as other important and valuable micronutrients.

Provides healthy amounts of Magnesium, Manganese, Calcium, and Phosphorus.

Help maintain high levels of energy and endurance because their complex carbohydrates break down slowly in the body.

Chia seeds work equally well in sweet or savory dishes.
You can use chia seeds whole, ground up or soaked and because they are nearly flavorless, you can sprinkle them on salads, yogurt, or cereal, and they are the perfect thickening agent for smoothies, puddings, sauces and desserts (mixed with liquid they create a gel type substance). You can also enjoy Chia seed as whole snack.

In Mexico and Central America they enjoy a drink called “chia fresca” made by adding chia seeds to water with a little lemon or lime juice added. Try mixing a tablespoon of chia seeds with water (approximately 4 cups), mint and cucumber for a refreshing and rehydrating post run drink.

Chia seeds are easy to find, inexpensive to purchase and use, if they are not presently part of your daily intake of food then what are you waiting for?

Looking for healthy raw, desserts, treats and snacks? Get your personal copy of 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats.”

It’s time eliminate the guilt and feel good about your snacks and treats.

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