Our Sedentary World Is the Biggest Threat We Will Ever Have To Face


We have an enemy in our world that is steadily picking off its victims at an alarming rate and nobody really seems that concerned about it. Yet a single act of terrorism has the world in a tail spin for years while this much larger threat continues its killing right on our doorstep, right in our own backyard.

These killers are more serious, determined, more stealthy and deadly than any terrorist group the world has or will ever encounter. This enemy is called modern chronic disease and accounts for 60 percent of the world’s deaths. This global epidemic of self inflicted “lifestyle” disease which includes heart disease, cancer and diabetes kills more than 2600 Americans every single day. The predicted number of people that will die from chronic disease in the next decade is 388 million worldwide.


Our modern technology driven society has removed almost all physical activity from our daily lives. We have access to food, shelter and warmth without us hardly having to lift a finger. Most days we do no more than sit, at our job, in the car and at home maintaining our addiction to television.

Hasn’t anybody considered the fact that without regular vigorous physical activity our body has no way of stimulating the hormones that instruct every single cell in our body to repair, rebuild and renew themselves? We have taken away the very activity called “work” that gave the human body strength, fitness and good health and replaced it with premature and preventable death. Aren’t we supposed to be an intelligent species?

Our global downward spiral of declining health and sickness is happening in exchange for labor saving devices and technology that we all enjoy on a daily basis. Is this a fair swap? Is this what we want to leave our children and grandchildren? Are we all happy about this?

Many people are not happy about this and there is a tide that is turning and quietly making changes. Instead of waiting for symptoms of disease to appear and continuing with doctor reliance and the use of toxic drugs more and more people are taking action. By using exercise to replace the “work” that we must have we can utilize it as a form of preventative medicine so we can stay healthy

Instead of viewing exercise as an option or a choice people are taking responsibility for their own health and well-being by making it a necessary non negotiable part of their lives. You see if you get a disease it may well be too late as it has possibly taken years or even decades for this disease to develop and show itself. There isn’t a doctor, drug or medical treatment that can actually cure these diseases. At best they can be managed while their victim is left with half a life.

Simple lifestyle changes such as a proper exercise program that contains at least 60% strength training exercise along with a natural diet of whole mainly unprocessed foods can go a long way into preventing these horrific diseases that terrorize and devastate victims and their families.

 For exercise to work and be effective as a preventative tool it must be done right. A simple walk around the neighborhood isn’t going to cut it. After all we all have legs and we all walk and this has done nothing to halt this decline in our health. The program needs to be set up by a fitness professional so correct technique, intensity; duration and frequency are taught along with progression in all exercises as strength increases.

You are officially invited to join this new revolution in wellness. The only contribution you will need to make is a bit of effort for 2-3 hours per week. In return you will almost be guaranteed to look and feel a million bucks and it is very unlikely that you will join the growing ranks of statistics in the avoidable loss of your life.








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