Lifestyle Habits That Matter Most

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A well-known remedy proven to slow and even reverse the aging process is readily available to all of us that does not involve scalpels, injections, implants or cosmetic surgery.

Yet, tons of money continue to be recklessly pumped into cosmetic surgery/economies across the globe chasing the “fountain of youth” as though it can be hogtied, bought, manipulated, and controlled with a bank account.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Health, vitality and longevity are rewards, not gifts or tokens that can be bought, displayed or given away. At least not permanently.

It is naturally built, healthy, vital, strong muscle tissue that gives us a younger, more pleasing shape, one that is tighter and firmer and more resistant to disease, if we do the best work.

And the work involves proper exercise; routines that include strength training. Strength training or resistance training is the answer to renewed energy and vitality and without question; no other activity has more of a positive impact on our overall health, simultaneously working to improve our physical, mental and emotional well-being.


The Benefits of Proper Exercise

The right exercises are not only empowered to build and maintain muscle and bone and make our hearts work better, but they can change the way our gene’s function making it less likely that cancer gets hold, that our arteries harden or that we suffer from depression.

They help us heal and recover better and quicker and provide us an edge over all kinds of disease and injury.

Proper exercise is, without a doubt, nature’s best medicine. And not just as a preventive measure. It offers a vast range of healing influences on the body that help reverse negative biochemical trends while improving our resiliency and immunity at virtually every level of our physiology.

A proper program of muscle strengthening exercise performed just 2-3 times weekly can-do fantastic things on the inside of our body right down at the cellular level as well as making us look younger. It improves circulation, neurological activity and a variety of biochemical influences that promote healing.

Bone and muscle health get a healthy boost – If we want to enjoy our full vitality and mobility for the long haul, building and rebuilding strong bones and muscles with exercise is mandatory.

Proper exercise helps to strengthen bone in addition to muscle because working out and using our muscles makes tendons pull on bone. When a tendon pulls on its bony insertion, it causes a chain reaction of events that increases bone remodeling.

Cardiovascular/heart and lung function is improved, and blood pressure gets lowered – Heart disease is the number one killer in the developed world and now accounts for 40 percent of all deaths.

The best protection we can give ourselves is to strengthen our whole body which includes the heart. After all, this mother of all muscles responds to proper exercise the same as every other muscle in our body – it thrives on it, growing stronger and more efficient.

Inflammation is reduced – I nflammation is one of the body’s natural protective mechanisms, but when it becomes chronic it can turn destructive. As human movement has continued to decrease chronic inflammation has become rampant and now contributes to all the major killer diseases, illnesses and conditions.

Your body may already be under fire from inflammation caused by stress, poor diet and a sedentary, couch-potato lifestyle. Inflammation can operate in stealth mode for years.

When symptoms do finally become apparent, it’s usually in the form of one of the “big three” heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or any one of hundreds (even thousands) of other inflammation-related diseases.

Helps Hormones – The granddaddy of all our hormones is our very own growth hormone (HGH) often called the “youth or fitness hormone”. When it falls below a certain level required to keep our body in good running order signs of aging appear.

The good news is, we can keep our body producing this special hormone so it can keep rejuvenating us, offering us a better quality of life short-term and healthy longevity long-term.

The one chance we have of increasing this hormone naturally is to work our muscles regularly with proper strength training exercise because it is intense muscle movement that stimulates this and other youth hormones when the brain receives signals that strength is needed.

Lifting weights at a certain high intensity automatically boosts our energy, enthusiasm and zest for life and living because our body gets a constant. trickle of important “youth” or growth factor hormones that otherwise decline with age.

Moods are elevated – When we exercise (with some effort of course) a cocktail of “happy” positive hormones get released that stay in our system for some time after we finish exercising, lifting our mood and banishing any trace of negative feelings.

Add to this list, a reduction in body fat (maintaining healthy body weight is easier), stress, anxiety, depression and disease. As a bonus, a body properly sculpted and attained through personal determination, hard work and strength training is delighted when seeing its own reflection in the mirror because strength training creates muscles that are taught against the body as opposed to fat and flab, which hangs and sags, adding years to our looks and appearance, while threatening our good health.


The Real Fountain of Youth

A powerful and accessible remedy to slow, and even reverse, the aging process exists without the need for cosmetic surgery or expensive treatments. While many continue to invest in quick fixes, the true “fountain of youth” lies in something far more sustainable: proper exercise, specifically strength training.

Building strong, healthy muscle tissue through strength training not only improves physical appearance by creating a tighter and more youthful body but also enhances overall vitality and health. The benefits of strength training go beyond aesthetics, impacting physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Regular resistance training does more than build muscle; it strengthens bones, improves cardiovascular health, reduces inflammation, and helps balance hormones such as human growth hormone (HGH), often referred to as the “youth hormone.”

This natural boost in HGH helps maintain energy, mental clarity, and emotional balance. Proper exercise also enhances immune function, helps manage stress, and even improves mood by releasing positive hormones that lift spirits.

With consistent effort, strength training can be a powerful tool for maintaining long-term health, youthfulness, and resilience against disease.

Strength training offers anti-aging certainly, with reverse-aging potential. It’s a good thing!

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