Fuel Your Body Properly Before and After Working Out…


avocadoDo you wake up early so you can get your work-out in before you start your day? If so, your self-discipline and diligence should be congratulated.

If however you wake and run out the door to your local gym without fueling your body first, you need to rethink your position.

How do you expect your body to work-out at peak performance without giving it the proper fuel? Your body relies on the energy it receives from the carbohydrates you consume.

Carbohydrates are converted to glucose for energy. Any unused glucose is converted glycogen and stored in your liver and muscles.

Your body relies on this stored energy during intense exercise and if there is none it cannot function at peak performance. Does your car run without the proper fuel and oil it needs? Of course not and the same goes for your body.

Your body is a big battery of sorts. And, the food choices you make fuel your body. If you are not fueling your body properly before intense exercise then your body turns to its energy reserves much like your computer turns to its backup energy source when its main source of energy electricity goes out.

Heading to the gym or beginning your work-out at home on an empty stomach causes your body to take amino acids from your muscles and convert them into the glucose needed (the energy must come from somewhere) for energy to get your though your workout…the exact opposite of what you want to be doing.

Truth is, the foods you consume before and after exercise play a huge role in the overall success of your workout.

You either help yourself to burn more calories and build more muscles or you hinder your weight-loss and muscle building efforts.

Each pre-workout meal should include a combination of nutrients, fiber, low-fat protein (for energy), as well as complex and simple carbohydrates. This fuels you properly, keeps you feeling full and as a bonus, it helps to regulate blood sugar levels to normal. You should avoid any kind of heavy meal before working out as it will just make your body feel sluggish and slow you down. Not exactly what you are looking for when you begin exercising.

Ideally, you should be fueling your body an hour to two before working out. This provides the body ample time to digest and turn this food into available energy…the energy that will fuel that workout of yours. Even if your schedule is demanding that day and you simply don’t have time to sit before running out the door, grab a simple carbohydrate like a piece of fruit or drink a protein shake 15-30 minutes before beginning.

Bananas, turkey breast, poached eggs, whole wheat toast and high-fiber cereal with skim milk are all healthy pre-workout choices.

Your post workout nutrition should focus on rebuilding and strengthening your muscles. That first ½ hour window after working out is much more important than you realize. Muscles need carbohydrates and protein ideally within an hour after your workout.

Many gyms even sport “Juice Bars” where you can indulge in fresh fruit and low-fat yogurt smoothies right after working out as well as nutritious protein bars and shakes.

The main point is to make sure that every one of your pre and post workout meals and or snacks contain a combination of energy producing, muscle mending/building nutrients.

Cheat your body out of proper nutrition and you’ve cheated yourself out of the sculpted body you are envisioning.

Without the proper amount of carbs fueling your energy your ability to build muscle, burn calories and exercise to the fullest is severely compromised.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

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