Fasting is Good for You


There is a new approach to eating that is taking the fitness world by storm.

This new approach to eating has nothing at all to do with fasting or starvation. And, its not just about skipping a meal. 

What it is about is spending as much time as possible in a fasted state, a state the Western world spends little if any time in except for a few hours daily or when they are sleeping. For the most part, Westerners just graze constantly, from dusk to dawn and even for some in the middle of the night.

This new way of eating is called IF or Intermittent Fasting. This method of eating ditches the normal 3 meals a day we are used to in favor of 2 meals a day.  The results are achieved make it worth the lifestyle shift. You’ll lose that stubborn unwanted body weight, enjoy a real boost to your energy reserves and enjoy greater overall health.

IF is not really a new idea. You might even say, IF is imprinted in our DNA because our ancestors practiced this method of eating on a daily basis. Unlike modern society, they had no choice but to fast since they often had extended periods of food scarcity.

Without a doubt, fasting is healthy for us. In both animals and humans, fasting has proven to reduce markers of chronic disease and contribute to the lengthening of human lifespans. It is a proven aide towards reducing our cholesterol and blood pressure while we experience higher endorphin and energy levels. And, let’s not forget what it does for our brain power, giving us improved brain function and longevity.

Let’s be perfectly clear though…IF has nothing at all to do with starving your body. The idea is to space out your “eating window” so that your body can feel and understand what real hunger really is like.

Real hunger should only experienced once every 16 to 24 hours, not every 4 hours.

When should your IF period take place?

IF does not restrict your food intake, nor is it a method of calorie counting/cutting. It does restrict your normal daily eating schedule to a 6-8 hour window of time however.

Rather than eating 3 square meals daily or even a handful of smaller meals, you’ll enjoy 2 meals that are allowed in a specific window of time. The fasting window could be a few hours a day or even certain days of the week. During your allotted eating times, you can eat whatever you want, within reason of course.

Going against the grain of what has been taught previously, it seems breakfast is not the most important or sacred meal of the day as we previously thought. Most people who adopt IF find that skipping breakfast rather than dinner is the easier option, both practically and socially.

Our bodies should not digesting food all day long. But that’s what happens when we graze. However, when we take a break from eating, we give our bodies a break from digesting.

Ever notice you that get a bit tired after eating? Especially when you’ve finished a nice big meal? The reason for that is your body is spending all its energy reserves digesting the food you are eating. If you graze all day long, then your energy is constantly tapped into, leaving you feeling drained for no apparent reason.

When you fast, you reserve that energy and the body then redirects it to another area such as injuries that need healing.

If you practice fasting and stick to a mostly whole food diet, one rich in vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates, you will see changes in your body and in the way you feel.

This new “old” method of eating is becoming a way of life for many people because it is simple, effective and sustainable and you can enjoy amazing results within just one week of putting it into practice.

Your body learns to transition from burning sugars and carbohydrates to body fat for energy – one of the most empowering things you can do for long-term health and wellness.

Clinical research trials confirm that IF offers many lasting benefits for both our health and our longevity. Not only will this method slow our aging process, but our immune system gets a nice reboot and along with more stable energy levels.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Isn’t it time to throw away all the false statements you’ve accepted about dieting and exercise and learn what it really takes to stay healthy and fit?

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