Exercise Helps You Fall Into Deep Restful Sleep


Most people are aware that eating proper foods and performing challenging exercise are the two primary keys to boosting energy and living longer, healthier, more productive lives.

What many people are not aware of is the role that sleep plays and how important the quality and quantity of their sleep is. Lack of sleep affects your health, your weight, your mood and can even negatively affect your sex-life! Let’s face it, it’s not easy to face a day of challenges without adequate, quality sleep. We almost feel drugged, our minds are foggy and slow to respond.

Truth is, sleep is critical to success. In fact, studies have shown that in severe cases, a lack of sleep can even create an effect similar to what you feel when being intoxicated! Sleep deprived individuals suffer memory impairments, vision disturbances and slower reaction times.

In other words – sleep has a very powerful effect on your well-being and success!

Although successful people generally wake early and stay awake longer (to maximize their time) than most, they are perfectly aware of how important sleep is. They’ve learned that performing regular fitness is key to sleeping deeper and more soundly than if they had not exercised and they capitalize on that.

Those who engage in consistent exercise programs (assuming they are not performing at night which can interfere with sleep), are more likely to fall asleep faster once their head hits the pillow and stay asleep longer through the night. This translates to a far better quality of sleep that leads to feeling healthier, more energized and more mentally focused during the day.

It’s important to maximize your sleep time and, not surprisingly, a proper fitness and nutrition can help you achieve this.

When it comes to utilizing fitness and nutrition to improve sleep quality there are a few things to be aware of.

What to avoid:

Avoid late night exercise as this revs up your metabolism and causes you to have too much energy. This makes it very hard to sleep when your energy is in over-drive! If you want to maximize the benefits that exercise offers, it’s best to work-out 5-6 hours before retiring for the night.

Avoid caffeine. Be aware that any pre-workout products you use do not contain caffeine as this will also make it hard to sleep.

Avoid eating large meals too close to bedtime. Even a healthy meal consumed to close to bedtimes can make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Sleep also plays a critical role in metabolism and immune functions, sharper memory, learning and other vital functions.

Let’s face it, going without quality sleep makes us feel terrible and sluggish in both mind and body while getting a proper restful night’s sleep empowers us to take on the world. However, running to your nearest pharmacy or doctor to improve your sleep is not the permanent solution you should be looking for.

Exercise is. Just getting at least 150 minutes of exercise weekly can significantly improve the quality of sleep we get, helping us to feel more aware and alert during the day.

According to Brad Cardinal, professor of exercise science at Oregon State University: “Increasingly, the scientific evidence is encouraging as regular physical activity may serve as a non-pharmaceutical alternative to improve sleep.” It is empowered to boost our moods and ease anxiety, stress and depression – all things that can intervene with a good night’s sleep.

The equation is simple: 

You perform a challenging work-out that tires both your body and your mind and this results in quicker, deeper, sounder sleep. 

You can regain vitality, boost your energy levels and lead a higher quality of life.

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For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

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Isn’t it time to throw away all the false statements you’ve accepted about dieting and exercise and learn what it really takes to stay healthy and fit long into your senior years?

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