Let’s face it, there are no “quick fixes” in life.
Anything worth having…anything worthwhile, anything we place value on takes time, patience, persistence, perseverance, determination, discipline, tenacity, vision, effort and resolve.
Put all those attributes into one package and you’ve got diligence… the essential key to success in any endeavor.
Wise words spoken by Vince Lombardi considered one of the most successful football coaches in American NFL history: “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”
Willpower is the strength to control behavior/actions…to steer your ship in the direction you want it to go; to take control of your energy.
Diligence is an attribute of willpower and the ability to live consciously in the moment with empowered focus, patience and determination.
It is the force that keeps you going in spite of all obstacles. It is the motivating factor that drives you to be the best at what you are doing, to succeed at all costs. It helps you to master any skill and builds strength of character.
Applying diligence to anything says “I am in control.” It doesn’t matter whether you are talking business type goals, health and fitness goals, personal goals and pursuits or relationships they all require conscious diligent attention in order to be successful.
People are always looking for shortcuts, immediate gratification and instant results, you know…they want things to be easy. But what kind of foundation is that to build on? The first storm that comes along, the first bump in the road sends this kind of foundation crashing down.
Sure, it’s easier to pop a tent than build a house…but how long is your “quick fix tent” going to last? The first big gale that comes along sweeps it away and all your effort.
Diligence –
Diligence is the glue that builds your foundation strong; that protects against cracks and decay.
Diligence says “yes” when everything around says “no.”
Diligence endures and finds a way.When you are diligent you show strength of heart…you have resolve.
When you are diligent you show strength of mind…you have focus.
When you are diligent you show strength of soul…you have purpose.
Whether actively creating healthy lifestyle changes, learning a new trade, developing a new business (or keeping the present one successful) diligence is the fuel that gets you there with pride and satisfaction for a job well done and nowhere does diligence reveal its force better than in the gym.
Those that enter without it last as long as that tent in the wind as their dreams, wishes and goals are scattered and defeated by weak resolve. While those that enter with diligence have vision and carry the force of determination with patient consistent and persistent actions.
They understand that it is not about immediate gratification or “easy to do” but about challenges that create energy to build strong long-term foundations that stand the test of time.
Diligence does what it needs to do to keep moving forward one step at a time never taking its eyes off the goal. It takes you from dreaming to positive actions. Those that embrace it reap the sweet rewards of lasting satisfaction and personal success.
Diligence is not just about hard work; it is about maintaining consistency and focus, even in the face of adversity. One of the most crucial elements of diligence is the ability to delay gratification, a concept widely discussed in psychology. Research shows that individuals who practice delayed gratification tend to achieve more success in both personal and professional realms.
By resisting the temptation for immediate rewards, people build the mental endurance needed to pursue long-term goals. This kind of perseverance nurtures growth and instills a sense of purpose, allowing individuals to keep pushing forward even when results aren’t immediately visible.
In addition to mental resilience, diligence is also about fostering a growth mindset. Popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, the growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work and dedication. People with a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities to learn rather than as insurmountable obstacles.
By adopting this mindset, you align diligence with the pursuit of personal growth and continual improvement. The challenges and failures you face become stepping stones, not barriers. As a result, the practice of diligence leads to not only external success but also internal fulfillment.
This approach ensures that you build lasting habits that contribute to both personal satisfaction and long-term achievement.
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