There Is A New Revolution On It’s Way And Its Called Wellness

We are on the cusp of a revolution, something so powerful that it will change the path that mankind is taking. This groundswell of change is coming about because we are waking up to the fact that health means more…
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Knock Years Off How You Look With The Right Type Of Exercise

At some time back in our history, wrinkles were considered a good thing as they showed you were mature, wise and experienced in many life skills. However our culture today sees wrinkles in a completely different light. So different in…
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Proper Exercise for Real Life Function

A long time ago, there were no intentional exercise programs. Physical activity was a natural part of life and practically everyone participated in enough movement on a daily basis to keep the body in good condition. Now our modern labor…
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Do You Think You Can Get Away Without Adequate Self Care?

Most of us seem to spend a lot of time and effort worrying about many different things. Things like earning enough money to live a good life, being a good spouse or parent and having a happy fulfilling life. But…
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Erase Years From Your Face And Body With Anti-Aging Exercise

In some cultures in our world getting older is a measure of wisdom, hard work and experience, something to be respected and even admired. But in today’s culture however, wrinkles and graying hair are looked on in a completely different…
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Could You Be Sacrificing Your Health for Our Frantic Lives?

Millions of people around the world are feeling overwhelmed and drained by the pressures and the endless demands of work, family and life. They are stressed and lack the energy to fully enjoy their lives. Everything happens quickly in our…
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Your Hottest Investment – YOU!

Could you be on the lookout for something that promises a good return on your investment? Something guaranteed to help you live a long, strong and healthy life? Well here is one for you – it’s called proper exercise. Nothing…
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You Are Responsible for How You Age

How do you see yourself at an older age, say 70 plus? Do you see yourself slim, strong, fit and active? Is it important to you that you have a high quality of life? You probably would also like to…
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