Prevent Disease Before It Starts…

Disease or organ failure through accident or injury may be empowered to claim life, but never aging – nothing dies from simply being old. Celebrating birthdays should never be perceived as a punishment – something that drains the life out…
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Exercise for Energy

Feeling tired, sluggish or sleepy beyond the norm? Ready to fight your ongoing fatigue? Rather than reach for another cup of coffee, try on exercise for relief. A Harvard Medical School report on how exercise is empowered to boost energy…
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Fasting is Good for You

There is a new approach to eating that is taking the fitness world by storm. This new approach to eating has nothing at all to do with fasting or starvation. And, its not just about skipping a meal.  What it…
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Your Aerobic Capacity and Exercise

How many times have you begun an intense exercise program only to stop at some point? If you’re like most, that answer is in multiples. Although it is possible for all of us to begin again at any time, that…
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You Can Combat the Aging Process

Have you honored your body today? You only get one you know. If you don’t honor it and keep it as healthy as possible, it will start to break down and show first subtle, and then serious signs of aging.…
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Good Posture Is Good Health

Sitting for extended periods of time every day along with avoiding a proper exercise is the ideal recipe for back, neck and hip pain to develop that only increases as time goes by. Unfortunately, our “easy” modern lifestyles promotes this…
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Strength Training is Key to Healthy Longevity

Seeking the ever elusive fountain of youth? You’re not alone. “Looking younger” is big business and anti-aging remedies and procedures are increasingly in high demand. Superficial changes such as mini face lifts, glasses, and changing the color of one’s hair…
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The Value of Strong Core Muscles…

Our bodies once received enough physical activity simply through the act of survival. It was natural and built into our daily actions/needs, and provided an automatic way for us as humans to be fit. But times have changed. How many…
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Boost HGH Levels Naturally

Hormones are the bodies regulators, regulating every system in the human body. HGH or GH –  Human Growth Hormone is one of the most important and complex hormones the body produces.  It is critical for building a lean, muscular body,…
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Carbohydrates are “Simple and Complex”…

Don’t starve – nourish. It should be the new dietary mantra. Macro-nutrients are an important part of that nourishment. They consist of proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fats. These nutrients are provided through your choice of foods. Since each of these…
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