Fitness – The Secret To Success

We are always trying to pack more into our day and most times proper exercise gets left out because it takes up too much time. As a result our strength levels decline along with our fitness level, our waistlines increase…
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Proper Exercise – A Good Return On Investment

Most of us are always on the lookout for something that promises a good return on investment. When we hear that word investment we generally think of financial investments, after all we are taught from an early age that we…
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Do You Have A Ticking Health Bomb Inside You? – Out Of Control Blood Sugar Levels

As we grow older some critical changes are happening inside our body. We often blame these changes on the aging process but really this just means that we have been around longer so the changes have had longer to manifest…
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Do You Think You Can Get Away Without Adequate Self Care?

Most of us seem to spend a lot of time and effort worrying about many different things. Things like earning enough money to live a good life, being a good spouse or parent and having a happy fulfilling life. But…
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The Health Of Our Children Has Never Been Worse At Any Time In History – What Are We Doing About It?

Just 30 years ago diabetes was an old person’s problem but no longer. Young people who are not even yet into their teens are being diagnosed in frightening numbers. In just 10 years the incidence of children needing medication for…
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Being Too Busy Is Not An Effective Self Health Care Plan

When we have a family to care for, a career, and a busy life we pay a lot of attention to our assets, our financial goals and deadlines to achieve success and we can easily forget that our most important…
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Stay Strong If You Want To Keep Up the Pace in Our Busy World

  Our modern world moves at such fast speed we are all under constant pressure to be on the go continually. We need high levels of mental and physical strength to better endure the stresses of daily living at this…
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Your Proper Exercise Session Will Provide Some Perfect “Me” Time

There is one therapy that can you help ward off addictions, depression, stress, anxiety and even Alzheimer’s, all the while keeping you strong, slim and feeling great. That mental-health “treatment” is of course a proper exercise program. Research reveals that…
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What Will Happen To Me If I Don’t Exercise?

Proper exercise to the human body is absolutely critical. Most people do not really realize its importance as the time aspect between inactivity and functional decline is so long that the connection is often not linked. If we do nothing…
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Skinny Fat – When Being Thin Does Not Always Mean Being Lean

Everyone admires the person who “never works out” and “eats everything” yet still manages to look fabulous. Some of us even strive for a similar look by following a diet of lattes and lettuce. What is surprising is that these…
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