Delicious Goji Bars

There’s an “old” berry making a new appearance and getting lots of attention. Goji berries are small but powerful super berries gaining favor in Western countries after catching the attention of health enthusiasts. These little but powerful super berries are…
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Get Your Beauty Sleep and Lose that Excess Weight…

Sleep, it does a body well. Insomnia, on the other hand, breeds cranky moods and confusion and causes the many balanced and working mechanisms in the body to go wonky. It’s no big secret that people who do not sleep…
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Flexibility and Long-term Thinking are Key to Healthy Eating Habits

Long term thinking paired with a “flexible” mindset is the key to dieting success. Most of us have been trained under the idea that in order to get healthy, we must be under some sort of restrictive dieting or eating…
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Focus On The Invisible Benefits Of Exercise

Many people start an exercise program looking to achieve changes to physical appearance – weight loss, less body fat, firmer and more toned muscles, improved heart health and so on. But there are many more health benefits from exercise that…
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The Four Components That Make A Fitness Plan Complete

Often when people decide to make a lifestyle change and start a fitness plan or eat better they manage to get one or two components right but neglect to have a complete plan. If major changes are needed with your…
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Make it Your Fitness Goal to Develop an Exercise Habit

Want to develop a fitness habit, be fit and look great? What separates those who can stick to a fitness program from those who call it quits before they get the results they expect? Despite what you may think, it…
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Conquering Your Exercise Excuses

If you are like most people, you can probably come up with plenty of reasons (excuses) for why you are not more active. You’re too young, you’re too old, you’re too busy, you’re too tired or you’re in pretty good…
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What Is The Balance In Your Health Account?

It seems every day we have a conversation with someone about our concern about money – how to make more of it, how to save more of it, and how to stop spending so much. What if you were to…
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Are You Ready and Prepared to Live Decades Longer Than Your Parents?

The really good news is you have the capacity to live well into your 80’s, 90’s even topping 100! But, consider for a moment, about the quality of your life and health.  It has been predicted only 3 out of…
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Physical, Mental And Emotional Health Are Closely Linked

Most of us are aware of the physical benefits of exercise but we usually only think it benefits us below the neck. We know we can expect stronger muscles and bones; we can lose some weight and slow the aging…
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