Green Tea offers Exceptional Health Benefits…

  Unfortunately there is not one single food that can protect you from disease because health is a product of your lifestyle habits and your genes. In other words, no degree of healthy eating will combat that smoking habit of…
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Fuel Your Body With Proper Fuel…

Your future really boils down to how you treat your body now. Treat your body right now and you’ll ease onto your senior years with dignity and grace. Treat it badly and you’ll be lucky to stumble in or roll…
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Fat-free Foods are Not Necessarily Favorable Foods…

Eating harmful foods is actually more detrimental to your health than just not eating the right ones because some foods are downright dangerous especially when consumed daily. Sadly, many people simply are not aware of how much harm some of…
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Lunges…Because They Work!

Lunges are the perfect exercise to whip your thighs, butt and even abs into shape. There are so many unique ways to perform lunges that they should be a part of everyone’s workout schedule. The danger when exercising is repetition.This…
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Intensity, Form and Focus The Real Keys to Lean Strong Muscles

There are many factors that come into play in any effective and efficient strength training program but intensity may be the most important factor of all. Becoming leaner and stronger is not just about the exercises you do…but more importantly…
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Less is More with Minimalist Training…

If you’re like most people that begin a serious quest towards health and fitness you believe that “more is more.” The more you do the better off you will be and the quicker you will see the results you are…
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Fuel Your Body Properly Before and After Working Out…

Do you wake up early so you can get your work-out in before you start your day? If so, your self-discipline and diligence should be congratulated. If however you wake and run out the door to your local gym without…
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Understanding Strength Training Terminology

If you hope to experience and maintain any lasting effective results from exercising then what you are doing must challenge the body over and beyond what it is presently experiencing doing everyday tasks and activities. In truth, when we exercise,…
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All “Hail” Kale the King of Greens

Although the green leafy vegetable kale may not have found its way into your kitchen yet, this super vegetable is not new. Research suggests that kale originated likely in eastern Mediterranean or possibly Asia Minor. As the rising star in…
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The Four Components That Make A Fitness Plan Complete

Often when people decide to make a lifestyle change and start a fitness plan or eat better they manage to get one or two components right but neglect to have a complete plan. If major changes are needed with your…
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