Are You Paralyzed on Information Overload?

Information overload: When you are trying to process too much information on any given topic in order to make sensible decisions. Many people when they wake to the truth that everything they do and say contributes to how their lives…
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Eat to Keep Your Body in Fat Burning Mode

Whenever you eat a meal, a complicated series of chemical reactions takes place that converts the food you eat into energy your body can use. Some of these reactions cause your body to store fat and others cause it to…
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Help Balance Your pH Eating These Alkaline Foods…

Proper alkaline balance (proper pH) in the body is mandatory for overall health and vitality as well as long term weight loss. The pH scale ranges from 1-14 with 1 the most acidic end, 7 neutral and 14 the most…
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Intense Work-Out With Slow Weight-Training…

With so many exercise and fitness options readily available these days, there really is no valid excuse (except for the rare few) not to be physically fit. Additionally, it’s no secret that resistance exercise or strength training of some sort…
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Small Mighty Wonder Chia Seeds

If you try to narrow down the best diet for perfect health, you’d come to realize there really isn’t one. For the most part diets are personal and related to cultures, location, finances and other variables. So, rather than try…
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Muscles, Metabolism and Body Composition…

Without a doubt, “healthy is becoming the new skinny” and that means we must have a healthy body composition, i.e. a healthy muscle/fat ratio. Most gyms and fitness centers are equipped to measure your lean body weight (muscle tissue) versus…
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Kick Your Metabolism Back in Using a “Refeed” Day…

There are a few obstacles/hurdles that must be faced when going about a new diet protocol. Ongoing hunger is one of those and a slowed metabolism (hitting the dreaded “weight-loss plateau) is another. Let’s look at hunger first. While some…
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Empower Yourself Using Positive Daily Affirmations…

Repetition of daily positive affirmations…said with intent and focused energy (feelings) is essentially a very effective way to begin shifting your life from negative to positive. This can include all areas of your life: financial, health, fitness, business or companionship.…
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Workout Advice to Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle…

Those serious about seeing both body weight management and health management know full well that it’s both diet and exercise that count. They go hand in hand towards creating the body of your dreams. If your diet is not giving…
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Food Portions Matter…

Losing weight is not rocket science. It’s pretty simple actually. It’s really just a matter of energy in versus energy out. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. If we have shifted our diets to healthier…
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