Homemade Protein Bars

Proteins are one of three macro-nutrients required by our bodies. They help the muscles grow and recover so it’s very common to see people munching on protein bars or enjoying a whey shake at the gym after they have completed…
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Raw Dessert Favorite: Jaffa Cheesecake

Not all fruits get the same attention. Even fruits that rank at the super-food level are often forgotten in favor of the more familiar and popular fruits such as bananas, peaches and nectarines. Such is the fate of the fuzzy…
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Delicious Goji Bars

There’s an “old” berry making a new appearance and getting lots of attention. Goji berries are small but powerful super berries gaining favor in Western countries after catching the attention of health enthusiasts. These little but powerful super berries are…
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Blackberry Green Smoothie Goodness…

You’d have to be fairly isolated in the world these days not to have heard something about the health benefits that drinking green smoothies offer. What exactly is a green smoothie? A green smoothie is a healthy mix of green…
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Goji Berry Almond Delights

Goji berries are being recognized for the super food they are. Even people like Madonna sing its praises. Goji berries are nothing new. They have been a staple in Tibet for nearly 2000 years. The people of the Himalayas tap…
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Water and Your Workout

Nearly two thirds of the human body is water so before beginning any challenging exercise program it is paramount to understand the role that this most precious nutrient plays during exercise. Water is critical when working out because your body…
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Awesome Healthy Raw Desserts

You’d have to be living under a rock these days to not be aware of the movement and trend towards eating more fresh foods and less processed “empty” foods. It’s time to eliminate the “bad guys”…the ones linked to degenerative…
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All “Hail” Kale the King of Greens

Although the green leafy vegetable kale may not have found its way into your kitchen yet, this super vegetable is not new. Research suggests that kale originated likely in eastern Mediterranean or possibly Asia Minor. As the rising star in…
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