Chronic Inflammation is a Serious Health Issue

Many people are unaware that chronic inflammation is the primary source of most diseases. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer are all caused by chronic inflammation, and that’s just the short list. What does this reveal? Chronic inflammation is the…
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Awesome Raw Dessert – “Lime Mousse Tart”

As a whole we are beginning to eat more fresh foods and less processed “empty foods,” shifting our lifestyles towards better overall health and well-being. Our kitchens are being cleansed of unhealthy processed items. We are eliminating the culprits that…
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Mandatory Kitchen Appliances for Health Conscious Cooks

Kitchen appliances for the health conscious cook. The most important element to any profession or hobby are the tools. What is an artist without his tools or a carpenter without his toolbox? Each tool offering a different way to create.…
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Your Body Requires Good Fats and So Does Your Brain…

Fat is back…literally. The once demonized word “fat” is taking on new perceptions and the low-fat craze that dominated for years has come to an end along with eliminating the many healthy fats that nature provides us. The new dietary…
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Simple Tips to Help You Remove Excess Weight/Fat…

Looking to trim down and take off excess fat? Here’s a few tips to help you out: Protein rich foods: Without a doubt, protein is the one type of food that you should be eating more of in your fat…
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Help Balance Your pH Eating These Alkaline Foods…

Proper alkaline balance (proper pH) in the body is mandatory for overall health and vitality as well as long term weight loss. The pH scale ranges from 1-14 with 1 the most acidic end, 7 neutral and 14 the most…
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Maintain Healthy Body Fluids with Flavored Water…

Besides getting plenty of challenging exercise and enjoying a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy fluid balance is crucial for peak body performance, yet many people still do not get their required quota of healthy fluids daily. But times are changing…
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Healthy Food Choices that Boost Energy…

Looking for foods that give you an energy boost and keep you going all day long without turning to sugar, caffeine drinks and other unhealthy habits that only leave you deflated a short while later? Truth is, the amount and…
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Small Mighty Wonder Chia Seeds

If you try to narrow down the best diet for perfect health, you’d come to realize there really isn’t one. For the most part diets are personal and related to cultures, location, finances and other variables. So, rather than try…
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Healthy and Delicious…Kiwi Lime Bars

The small green uniquely exotic tropical kiwifruit is enjoying a recent rise in popularity due to its taste and powerful nutritional punch. Native to China, Kiwifruit is now grown in New Zealand, Chile, France, Italy, Japan as well as the…
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