Snacking Does Not Have to be Unhealthy…

Intermittent fasting is a recent health trend. It helps many people to lose and sustain weight loss, improves metabolic health and some claim it adds years to our lives. And it is easier than most think because our sleeping hours…
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Give Your Brain the Foods it Craves

Studies continue to reveal that exercise and sleep are both major players when it comes to keeping our bodies in tip-top shape. But, that’s not all they do. These two activities also help shape brain evolution and cognitive capacity. And,…
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Antioxidants – Bullies Against Free Radicals

For optimal health and wellness it’s ultimately important that we are including foods that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances such as vitamins that help to prevent free-radical damage to the body by neutralizing the oxidation process and reducing…
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Clean Eating for Stellar Health

Are you trading food convenience for needed nutrition? If so, it’s time to understand the damage you are creating within your body. Clean eating, although a simple, straight forward concept is one of the keys to stellar health. However, it…
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Yummy Raw Chocolate Avocado Pie

Most anyone who is seeking a greater degree of health is well aware that “super-foods” are concentrated, nutrient dense foods that contribute a great deal to the health of our bodies and should be included to some degree in all…
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Herbs and Spices Add to Your Health

Whenever we set out to lose excess weight, oftentimes, will have to give up (or at least cut back) on some of our favorite foods but that doesn’t mean we have to cut back on flavor or health benefits. Enter…
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Eating Well Empowers You…

The nutritional value of the foods you eat determine the composition of your cells, blood, bone marrow and hormones. Everything consumed becomes a building block of your body, meaning all the foods you eat are reflected directly in both your…
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What does “healthy eating” really mean?

Maintaining a fit body through active physical fitness along with healthy eating is the key to enjoying a long healthy, vital life. Unfortunately healthy eating means different things to different people. For some healthy eating means gluten free. For others…
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EnJOY this Healthy Blueberry Slice

The mighty blueberry. This little but powerful blue gem is a favorite of adults and children alike. And, for good reason. Blueberries taste good! Blueberries are healthy and super sweet. They are packed with anti-oxidants (in fact, they are believed…
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Foods to Help You Build and Maintain Lean Muscle

If you want to gain lean muscle or maintain the lean muscle you already have, physical activity and healthy nutrition are mandatory. High protein foods are one of the key elements. They play an important role in muscle retention and…
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