Clean Nutrient Dense Eating for Health and Longevity

Everyday our bodies are bombarded by foreign toxins. They are found in the air we breath, the water we drink and the foods we consume. Pesticides, household cleaners and beauty products including lotions, soaps, hair products, makeup and perfumes are…
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Dream Big; Start Small

Habits are essentially what define us. Good habits result in positive routines, efficiency and order. Reversely, bad habits take us in the opposite direction and lock us into rigid, negative patterns of behavior. Our happiness or lack thereof, success or…
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3 Popular Fitness Myths

When it comes to exercising and working out, it’s time to separate fact from fiction and put to rest some dangerous myths. Unfortunately, far too many people fall prey to these myths/lies and wind up frustrated (and eventually quit) when…
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Prevent Disease Before It Starts…

Disease or organ failure through accident or injury may be empowered to claim life, but never aging – nothing dies from simply being old. Celebrating birthdays should never be perceived as a punishment – something that drains the life out…
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Eating Well Empowers You…

The nutritional value of the foods you eat determine the composition of your cells, blood, bone marrow and hormones. Everything consumed becomes a building block of your body, meaning all the foods you eat are reflected directly in both your…
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Honor and Love Yourself First…

“Half the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.” Josh Billings Are you a people pleaser? Have you bought into the prevalent guilt trip that you must be doing…
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You are Not a Victim to Your Genes

Have you made yourself a victim of heredity? Do you believe that your life is predetermined by your gene pool and you have little if any control over what happens to your health? If so, you’re not alone. This common,…
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Use Journals and Diaries for Healing Past Trauma

Keeping a journal or personal diary is one of mankind’s’ oldest traditions. We can easily experience the thoughts, feelings and emotions our distant relatives may have felt when reading their preserved words and countless pages that are kept private throughout…
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Your Live Your Best Life Ever by Developing a Healthy “Success Muscle”

No matter what our passions and goals might be, the world is abound with unlimited opportunities to reach those goals, to be successful, realize our passions and fulfill our dreams. Success or failure achieving these things depends on the choices…
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Fasting is Good for You

There is a new approach to eating that is taking the fitness world by storm. This new approach to eating has nothing at all to do with fasting or starvation. And, its not just about skipping a meal.  What it…
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