Build Your Core Muscles for Strength, Stability and Balance

Our bodies once received enough physical activity simply through the act of survival. But times have changed. How many people do you know that currently sit at desk jobs all day? The computer is definitely expanding our mental awareness and…
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Your Health Savings Account

In our modern inactive sedentary world (with our increasing reliance on processed low quality food that promotes poor health and sickness) there has never been so much undeniable proof from science research to back up and support what most of…
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Controlling Your Blood Glucose Levels

Blood glucose levels matter. However, like most people, you’ve probably never given them a second thought believing that only diabetics had to worry about their blood sugar levels. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ongoing research reveals that 1…
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You Can Achieve a Priceless Lifetime Exercise Habit

  PRIORITIES MATTER Today, there is a growing emphasis on looking good, feeling good, being well and living longer. None of these things can happen unless you get into better physical shape. Physical fitness is the key that opens the…
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Reboot Your Immune System With Strength Training…

HOW EXERCISE HELPS TO PROTECT US Our bodies were created with activity in mind…vigorous activity, otherwise why would we have muscles to begin with? Muscles are not meant to be sedentary…they were created to be used and studies indicate that…
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Get Your Beauty Sleep and Lose that Excess Weight…

Sleep, it does a body well. Insomnia, on the other hand, breeds cranky moods and confusion and causes the many balanced and working mechanisms in the body to go wonky. It’s no big secret that people who do not sleep…
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Healthy Muscles and Healthy Bones Work as a Team

It wasn’t until recent times that the process of losing muscle and muscle tone during adult life acquired a name, sarcopenia, which simply means “vanishing flesh or muscle tissue. Sarcopenia is a serious condition marked by a reduction in muscle…
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Are You Ready and Prepared to Live Decades Longer Than Your Parents?

The really good news is you have the capacity to live well into your 80’s, 90’s even topping 100! But, consider for a moment, about the quality of your life and health.  It has been predicted only 3 out of…
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Realign Your Metabolism For Maximum Longevity And Youthfulness

  None of us want to get old. In our modern youth orientated society there are no rewards for getting old especially if it is before your time. Staying as youthful as possible is big business with anti-aging treatments and…
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Your Muscles Are Your Bodies Armor and Defense

Because we cannot really see our muscles we tend to forget about their importance and most of us have no idea of how much they can affect our health and well-being especially as we get older. Not only do our…
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