The Scientifically Validated Way To Get Smarter, Happier, Healthier And Calmer

Sure, you know exercise is good for you. It keeps your weight in check, makes you stronger, and keeps you feeling youthful through the decades regardless of how many candles are on your birthday cake. Along with making your body…
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Use The 80/20 Rule When It Comes To Exercise And Healthy Eating

You could think of your health and wellness like a bank account, your own personal bank account to be more exact. You can make deposits and you can make withdrawals. If you continue to make deposits over time you will…
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Fitting Exercise into Your Schedule

We are all so busy these days – rushing around often hardly having time to catch our breath. The last thing on our mind is making time to exercise and we seem to have no qualms about using our lack…
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4 Strategies To Supersize Your Will Power

When temptation strikes and threatens to throw you off your healthy eating plan or exercise program, follow these new strategies to rev up your willpower and stay strong. “No cocktails for me. I have to go to the gym later.”…
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Proper Exercise – A Good Return On Investment

Most of us are always on the lookout for something that promises a good return on investment. When we hear that word investment we generally think of financial investments, after all we are taught from an early age that we…
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Fight Depression With A New Attitude

We cannot deny the fact that our genetic blueprint was formed back when our ancient ancestors had to survive that harshest of conditions. Being highly active stimulated chemicals that told the body’s operating systems that strength, endurance and health was…
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What Will Happen To Me If I Don’t Exercise?

Proper exercise to the human body is absolutely critical. Most people do not really realize its importance as the time aspect between inactivity and functional decline is so long that the connection is often not linked. If we do nothing…
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Discipline – Doing What Needs To Be Done Even When You Don’t Want To

You have probably noticed that it’s hard to be motivated all the time. No matter what you are working on in life, there are bound to be days when you don’t feel like showing up. There will be workouts that…
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How Much Value Do You Place On Your Health And Ultimately Your Life?

We have been designed for a lifestyle we no longer maintain. Most of us are not required to anything of a physical nature anymore or exert ourselves in any way. Although we live in a fast paced world dominated by…
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A Growing Health Problem – a Silent Epidemic Called Metabolic Syndrome

A new kid on the block called Metabolic Syndrome is on the rise, especially among adults that have gained fat around their midsections and are much less physically active compared to their teen years. About two thirds of us are…
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