Multiply and Cultivate Your Motivation

Motivation. What is it and why do we need it? Motivation is derived from a Latin word motive – meaning “to move’ and is the catalyst to action or energy for motion. In other words, it propels us to do…
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Healthy Immunity – Longer Life

The immune system is the body’s natural defense system with differing branches that serve unique functions, all working to to keep the body out of harms way. Its network of cells, tissues and organs protects the body against internal and…
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Good Posture Is Good Health

Sitting for extended periods of time every day along with avoiding a proper exercise is the ideal recipe for back, neck and hip pain to develop that only increases as time goes by. Unfortunately, our “easy” modern lifestyles promotes this…
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Belly Fat Busters

Just how damaging is it to be fat? Is there really a risk to your life if you are not living at your ideal size? Yes. The physical discomforts of carrying excess weight, are too numerous to list, to say…
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Strategies to Boost Your Will-Power and Self-Control

There are two very powerful muscles in the body that are not part of our muscular/skeletal system, but equally important when it comes to reaching our dieting goals or sticking with our fitness plan. These two muscles are mind-muscles. They…
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Beware These Fitness Lies

The desire to get in better shape physically and drop that extra weight you’ve been carrying around is commendable for sure… However, before you dive in, it’s important that you first come to grips with what’s true and what isn’t…
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6 Important Exercise Habits to Develop

Habits of a good exercise program. As you start doing your exercise program, there are certain habits you’ll want to build that will help ensure those workouts deliver the best possible results. Healthy Exercise Habits: Prioritize Form – The first…
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Suffering With Cellulite?

Concerned about cellulite? You’re not alone. Cellulite is believed to affect as many as 90% of women of all ages, but even men can suffer from it. So, what exactly is cellulite? Cellulite is fat – it is nothing more…
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Helpful Tips to Stay Motivated to Workout

  How do you push yourself to the gym after that initial enthusiasm, that initial excitement, has worn off?  Nearly everyone has started a fitness program at some point in their life. Unfortunately, nearly everyone quits later on as well.…
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8 Tricks to Become an Early Morning Exerciser

You’ve heard before that people who work out first thing in the morning tend to be more successful at following a fitness program. Ever wonder why? Well, yes, a lot can be said for getting it done and getting on…
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