Today I Choose Joy

Where does your inner compass lead you? Does it point to struggle, doubt, sadness, low energy, along with poor health with only sporadic spurts of happiness and clinging to hope? Or does it point to ease, health, wealth and a…
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Harness the Strength of Mind and Body Using Positive Affirmations

In the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement, the transforemative power of affirmations as a tool/technique to strengthen both our mental and physical resilience cannot be overlooked. Affirmations are a powerful and versatile practice with the potential to profoundly impact…
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Strength Training Exercise For Body and Brain Health

It is a sad fact that 8 out of 10 adults do not do enough proper exercise. This means their muscles do not get worked anywhere near enough to keep vital “growth and repair” hormones stimulated and flowing. The growth…
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Momentum Matters

Finding the motivation to exercise can be difficult. What and where is this special motivation needed to get out of bed and out the door to your workouts? If you’re waiting to wake someday with an intense desire to exercise…
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The Mind Muscle Connection

Working out is always good right? Not so quick. Working out using bad form does more damage than good. Improper form results in injuries and lost time. It slows progression down to a snail’s pace. Proper form isn’t about working…
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A Full Body Workout that Works!

Are you tired of thinking about which body parts need exercise today, or how often the exercises you’ve adopted for particular muscles and limbs need rotating to stay effective? Are you looking for a full body workout that does exactly…
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The Driving Factor Behind Fitness Success –

It’s great that we focus on the best eating plan and exercise program that works for us in order to achieve great results in the shortest amount of time. However, there is one thing that comes into play before any…
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Strong Heart Muscles Matter

Most of us never give so much of a thought to one of the most important muscles in our body – our heart. This underappreciated muscle/organ beats away in the background like some faithful servant, never complaining and always on…
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Key Behaviors for Permanent Weight-Loss

When it comes to being healthy, losing weight and slimming down where should your focus be? Exercise or diet? Both. Weight loss is achieved by burning more calories than you take in or consuming fewer than you burn. Permanent weight…
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Make Exercise a Priority Habit

You have finally taken the leap and joined the gym or maybe you have adopted a new exercise routine that you know will help you get you back into shape. You should congratulate yourself. You have now accomplished the hardest…
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