Momentum is the Reward for Taking Action

ACTION IS KEY Physical fitness like everything else doesn’t just happen. It is the result of actions taken. And, there is the biggest clue to succeeding with your fitness goals. Action. You can think about your fitness goals, you can…
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Boost Your Immune System with Positive Thinking

High on the list of important components to your health is your mind-body connection. There is a strong body of evidence that positive attitudes such as those expressing gratitude and optimism strengthen the immune system helping us fight off disease…
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Exercise Motivation…Build Yourself an Exercise “Reward Path”

Many people wonder how to find the illusive motivation to exercise and eat healthy. What and where is this special motivation thing you need to get yourself out of bed and out the door to your workouts? If we sit…
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Over-Coming Gym Anxiety…

Gym intimidation. It happens to nearly everyone and for some it actually becomes an excuse not to go. Cosmopolitan Body did a study that revealed that women feel twice as embarrassed as men about exercising…especially at the gym where they…
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Use Your “Will-Power” Muscles to Curve Your Food Cravings…

No matter how careful you are when first setting out on your journey of weight/fat loss at some point along this journey you will hit head-on into a serious food temptation or craving. It doesn’t matter that you’ve cleaned your…
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Empower Yourself Using Positive Daily Affirmations…

Repetition of daily positive affirmations…said with intent and focused energy (feelings) is essentially a very effective way to begin shifting your life from negative to positive. This can include all areas of your life: financial, health, fitness, business or companionship.…
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Master Your Mind through Meditation…

The short description of meditation is that it is a process that brings peace and calmness into your being and thus your life. It is subjective and does have not have one single definition; there are many different types and…
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Journal Your Way to Health and Fitness Success…

If your mindset is far from optimal when it comes to the thoughts and beliefs it entertains about your health and fitness goals, if your mindset could use some strengthening, there are tools you can use that will help to…
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Green Tea offers Exceptional Health Benefits…

  Unfortunately there is not one single food that can protect you from disease because health is a product of your lifestyle habits and your genes. In other words, no degree of healthy eating will combat that smoking habit of…
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The Top Three Health Villains…

People are being robbed of their healthy years and most do not even realize it until the timing is too late. Chronic disease is a modern health holocaust and accounts for 70% of all deaths. Diseases that are incurable and…
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