How Sitting Can Damage Your Body and How You Can Counteract It

It’s true; sitting on one’s rear end for extended periods is a serious threat to health. Recent scientific findings suggest prolonged bouts of immobility such as when sitting is being linked to serious diseases that has become epidemic in our…
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The REAL Difference Between A Weight Loss Program And A Fat Loss Program

For the last few decades losing weight was all about restricting food intake and adding lots of low intensity long duration activities in the hope of forcing our body to use up its fat stores. We have all been conditioned…
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Do You Have A Ticking Health Bomb Inside You? – Out Of Control Blood Sugar Levels

As we grow older some critical changes are happening inside our body. We often blame these changes on the aging process but really this just means that we have been around longer so the changes have had longer to manifest…
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Skinny Fat – When Being Thin Does Not Always Mean Being Lean

Everyone admires the person who “never works out” and “eats everything” yet still manages to look fabulous. Some of us even strive for a similar look by following a diet of lattes and lettuce. What is surprising is that these…
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If You Are Overweight A Diet Will Not Fix The Problem

With two thirds of us in the world today being overweight it is natural that we should be looking for solutions. Most people think that a diet of some sort is the solution as everywhere we are bombarded with temptations…
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Does Your Exercise Attitude Need An Adjustment?

Have you ever made a decision to ‘exercise more’ or to ‘eat better’ …then after a few weeks/days of getting to the gym early, experiencing sore muscles and not seeing immediate results….you decided that your position as a non-exerciser was…
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Dieting Does ‘Bad Stuff’ To Your Body

If you are overweight it is likely that you have tried to lose weight by some sort of diet. It may even be that you have tried more than one. The problem with many of these weight loss diets is…
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Copy Three Healthy Habits of Slim Fit People

If you are having a struggle with getting into better shape why not take a leaf out of a slim, fit person’s book to give you a leg up to losing some weight and getting into better physical shape. What…
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Break Free From The Diet Treadmill And Enjoy A New Diet Free Life

When we think of losing weight we generally think of going on a diet and for most people this idea would fill them with dread. Any wonder as a diet is about deprivation, it is about reducing food intake in…
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A Growing Health Problem – a Silent Epidemic Called Metabolic Syndrome

A new kid on the block called Metabolic Syndrome is on the rise, especially among adults that have gained fat around their midsections and are much less physically active compared to their teen years. About two thirds of us are…
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