Looking to Lose Weight? Know Your Numbers

Looking to take off weight and lose excess fat? There must be a calorie deficit if you are trying for fat loss. The first step is to get your calories down in proper alignment. This deficit is what causes the…
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You Can Combat the Aging Process

Have you honored your body today? You only get one you know. If you don’t honor it and keep it as healthy as possible, it will start to break down and show first subtle, and then serious signs of aging.…
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Empower Your Health with Intermittent Fasting

There’s a new trend in how we eat, or possibly I should say how often we eat. It is becoming especially popular because it helps people lose weight without having to deal with the effects of hunger. It also helps…
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Food Prep and Snack Tips to Help You Stay Healthy…

Nutrition is something that many are aware they should be doing better with, yet, can’t seem to muster the motivation or gain the knowledge needed to really get started. Yet, nutrition impacts every single element of our lives. Our daily…
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Belly Fat Busters

Just how damaging is it to be fat? Is there really a risk to your life if you are not living at your ideal size? Yes. The physical discomforts of carrying excess weight, are too numerous to list, to say…
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You Can Quell Those Food Cravings…

Food cravings are no one’s friend, but, unfortunately no one is exempt. Every one of us has, from time to time, experienced a sudden urge for a particular food or drink. They happen because we have not eaten properly –…
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Enjoy These Sugar Free Orange Carrot Bars

Carrots. Most of us enjoy them on a weekly basis and many on a daily basis. They are easily grown and one of the most widely used and enjoyed veggies spanning all cultures around the world. Although the color orange…
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No Sugar Please…

Prices in the grocery stores these days are no picnic to deal with. However, in an “inside out” sort of way these prices have actually made us healthier. Think about it. Soaring grocery prices have made most of us pay…
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Delicious Pumpkin Bites

Without a doubt, pumpkin is an all time seasonal favorite. We are, of course, talking about the real deal, not the artificial pumpkin spice that’s added to so many things. Pumpkin is a highly nutrient-dense food, rich in both minerals…
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Your Omentum and Belly Fat

Most people have no idea that they have a physical organ in their belly that is responsible for storing fat. Measuring approximately 14 inches in length and 10 inches in width, this layer of fatty tissue is called the omentum.…
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