Examine Your Priority List…

Without a doubt, the most powerful way to make important changes in our lives is to spend time identifying our values and priorities and then adjust them based on whether they move us towards our goals or keep us from…
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Dangerously Declining Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is one of many hormones produced by the human body. It is the main male sex hormone and men produce much higher levels of it than women do. Estrogen is the sex hormone that is prevalent in women. Both…
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Muscles and Protein – The Perfect Pair

If you’re serious about losing fat and building muscle, both your diet and your physical activity must join hands. It takes both serious attention to both diet and physical activity if permanent success is to be achieved in the weight/fat…
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Cranberry Mini-Cakes

Cranberries are beautiful, little red charmers that are native to North America. Low in calories but high in vitamin C, vitamin A and K, they are a favorite for holiday feasts but add flavor and color to everything they grace…
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Practice the 80-20 Rule When it Comes to Eating Habits…

It seems the Internet is serving to educate people about the importance of what they put into their bodies in regards to the foods they eat. This education is bringing about a new healthy trend – “clean eating.” Clean eating…
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Scrap Counting Calories and Look to Nutrients Instead…

It truly amazing that many people continue to struggle with their body weight when, in reality, they do not have to.  These disillusioned people continue to turn to fancy and elaborate diets designed to help them lose fat. Unfortunately, they…
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Food Rules that Help Detoxify and Fight Aging

Staying healthy and enjoying extended years is not rocket science. It’s about performing the basics, about how we live life on a daily basis and what kind of habits control our actions. One of the most important things we can…
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The Dangers of Chronic Inflammation…

These days, we are faced with constant threats from our environment that our immune systems must be on red alert for.  As industrialization took hold, we faced new threats to our immune health such as: smoking outdoor and indoor air…
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Enjoy The Benefits of IF…

There’s a new player on the bock when it comes to healthy eating. It’s called Intermittent Fasting. IF is not a new concept, in fact, it was practiced naturally by our ancestors because they literally had no choice. Access to…
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Exercise – The Best and Cheapest Medicine

Every minute of everyday, life or death decisions are made terms of what you choose to put into your body and how you choose to use it. You are the only chance your body has to remain healthy. If you…
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