Black an White Thinking Is Detrimental

We are, without doubt, an incredibly powerful species, granted the powers of creation. Unfortunately, many have not taken advantage of their creative gifts because of the demands of the mind – their self-sabotaging mind conditioning and negative thinking getting in…
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Health and Fitness – The Dynamic Team

Scientific studies and medical research continue to reveal that our personal health and fitness are intimately related. Why is this medical fact important enough to take seriously? Because if we allow our fitness level to “slip” our health eventually follows…
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Best Times to Exercise

With so many demands made on our time these days, the last thing on most of our minds is making time to exercise. In fact, we seem to have no qualms about using our lack of time as an excuse…
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Use Visualization to Aid Healing

We cannot experience positive results in our life without first having produced positive thoughts because thought precedes the experience. Our bodies do indeed react to our thoughts. Research has revealed that the mind and the immune system are intimately connected…
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Fitness Motivation and the Power of Perception…

Have you hit that workout/exercise wall yet? You know, the one that stops us dead in our tracks, sucking away every little bit of motivation we may have left? When you began your journey, you had a plan in place,…
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Our Inner Dialogue Programs Our Attitude

Each moment of every day, we are choosing how we respond to life’s challenges and joys, and attitude is the indicator of what direction we go in. It reveals how we cope and respond to the issues and challenges of…
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Add 7 Years to Your Life With Proper Exercise

If you think you can’t afford the time to hit the gym because of demanding work, personal activities, and appointments filling your busy schedule, it’s time to rethink. Whether you live for your work or work for a living, managing…
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The Art of Self-Discipline

People the world over are turning to the Internet, looking for ways to feel better and live longer. Unfortunately, because of a serious lack of self-discipline, rather than taking personal inventory to evaluate what is needed to permanently improve their…
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Exercise Helps Boost Focus and Concentration…

Our modern lives are very demanding and “busy” has become one of the most abused words in the English language. Our constant connection to phones, emails, texts, and social sites like Twitter and Facebook, with phone apps pinging at every…
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Extreme Diet and Fitness Tactics Don’t Work Long-Term…

Many people, once they’ve decided to shift their lives for the better and adopt exercise and healthy eating will take an “all or nothing at all” approach to both. What exactly does this mean? It means they want everything to…
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