Lack of Sunlight and Vitamin Deficiency

Sometimes in life we swing the pendulum wildly from one course of action to the other. Such is the case with our relationship with the sun. For many, the sun has become the bad guy. They’ve been told their whole…
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The Power of the Humble Squat

We now know, without doubt, that sitting for prolonged periods of time is devastating to our health and longevity. Our sedentary lifestyles are taking a toll and many people can no longer perform basic, functional, natural movements without suffering pain…
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A Sedentary Lifestyle Promotes Accelerated Aging

You only need to take a look around you to see that most everyone in so-called civilized nations are actually pursuing an “accelerated aging program”; one that leaves us feeling old and exhausted long before our time. Consuming a diet…
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The Importance of Maintaining Healthy pH Levels

Acid-alkaline balance is a reference to the balance between the level of acids and non-acids (alkalis) found in the body’s fluids and tissues. The ratio of acids to non-acids can be determined by measuring pH levels. When pH levels are…
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Natural and Organic are Not Interchangable Terms

Is organic food safer or more nutritious? Organic can be defined as the way farmers grow and process agricultural products like fruits, veggies, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farmers practice agriculture that is designed to further soil and water…
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Strength Training Helps Eliminate Emotional Stress

Our modern-day lives are indeed busy. Technology continues to speed up our world, placing excessive demands on our time, causing personal expectations to rise. This undue stress ends up plagueing us with health damaging, negative emotions as it weaves its…
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HFCS – An Extremely Bad Sugar

There are two man-made ‘so called’ foods that confuse and throw our natural appetite regulation system ‘out of whack’. The biggest villain of them all and one that most of us have heard about is “trans-fat”. The other villain is…
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Epigenetics and the Science of Longevity

In the past decade, science broke through many previous taboos in understanding and deciphering molecular, cellular and genetic aging. The new science of longevity was born – Longevity is not a new topic. It has been an area of interest…
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Advantages of Slow Weight Training

There are numerous ways you can approach resistance training but one version that seems to work well for lots of people is called “slow weight training”. This kind of exercise fits the description of a complete exercise. The benefits reach…
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Give Your Brain the Foods it Craves

Studies continue to reveal that exercise and sleep are both major players when it comes to keeping our bodies in tip-top shape. But, that’s not all they do. These two activities also help shape brain evolution and cognitive capacity. And,…
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