The Awesome Benefits of Home Gardening

Growing your own food is a step toward self-reliance and a healthier lifestyle. While store-bought produce is convenient, it can never offer the benefits you get from growing your own food. Gardening not only provides nutritious, chemical-free produce but also…
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Have You Had Your Morning Health Shake Today?

Health Shakes are more than a trend, they are a long term investment in health and the cornerstone of a nutrient-dense eating plan. Once you begin enjoying your Health Shake in the morning you will notice a difference in how…
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Transform Your Eating Habits: Focus on Adding Nutrients Instead of Subtracting Foods

A Healthy Diet When it comes to trying to eat a healthier diet, many of us focus on subtracting the “bad” foods from our diet. We cut out sugar, fat, gluten, grains and processed foods, thinking that this will automatically…
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Leptin: The Hormone Behind Hunger and Weight Regulation

A recent survey showed that many people believe they are living a healthy lifestyle even though two thirds of us are overweight and one third of those obese. Most people believed it was a lack of exercise that contributed the…
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Yes, You Can Have a Garden

If you have never grown vegetables before and always wanted to grow your own food, but don’t have the time or space for a full-size outdoor garden – container gardening is a good place to get started. You don’t need…
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Osteocalcin, the Hormone Believed to Protect Our Brain

Hormones are “chemical messengers that coordinate different functions in the body.” Most of us are aware of and relatively knowledgeable about a handful of them such as estrogen, testosterone, oxytocin, serotonin, melatonin and cortisone. But did you know there is…
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Peppermint Green Power Slice

Vegetables are nutrient powerhouses bursting with color and flavor. They provide our bodies with important vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber, all essential nutrients to creating healthy, balanced diets, so it makes sense to include them in our diets in…
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Enjoy Your Daily Health Shake

Who doesn’t want to live a long, healthy, vital life? One that we’re an active participant and not sitting on the sidelines? What’s the use of having our “senior years” if we can’t enjoy them? Living is about the quality…
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Are You Building Your “Defensive Army” or Tearing it Down?

For optimal health and wellness it’s ultimately important that we are including foods that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances such as vitamins that help to prevent free-radical damage to the body by neutralizing the oxidation process and reducing…
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Are You At Risk for Cancer?

Most cancers can be prevented. When a person has cancer it usually indicates that there are nutritional deficiencies at work. These could be due to environmental, food, genetic and even lifestyle factors. Most people don’t realize it but everyone has…
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