The Six Factors of Physical Fitness…

Because exercise is based on the muscular and joint functions of the human body, functions we all share, we can surmise that the general principles and application of exercise are universal and the same for all humans on the planet.…
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The Power of Strength Training…

Essential to staying strong and vital during our lifetime is participation in regular strengthening exercises that help prevent muscle weakening, osteoporosis and frailty by stimulating the growth of muscle and bone. Strengthening exercises are easy to learn and have been…
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Aligning Your Body, Mind and Spirit into One Powerful Force

There are those (although few) that still believe that “being healthy” is only about focusing on how well the body is functioning. Then there are more enlightened individuals that are aware of their mind-body connection and know that “being healthy”…
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Healthy Immunity – Longer Life

The immune system is the body’s natural defense system with differing branches that serve unique functions, all working to to keep the body out of harms way. Its network of cells, tissues and organs protects the body against internal and…
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Good Posture Is Good Health

Sitting for extended periods of time every day along with avoiding a proper exercise is the ideal recipe for back, neck and hip pain to develop that only increases as time goes by. Unfortunately, our “easy” modern lifestyles promotes this…
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Strength Training is Key to Healthy Longevity

Seeking the ever elusive fountain of youth? You’re not alone. “Looking younger” is big business and anti-aging remedies and procedures are increasingly in high demand. Superficial changes such as mini face lifts, glasses, and changing the color of one’s hair…
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Belly Fat Busters

Just how damaging is it to be fat? Is there really a risk to your life if you are not living at your ideal size? Yes. The physical discomforts of carrying excess weight, are too numerous to list, to say…
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The Goals of an Anti-Aging Lifestyle…

Not surprising, in this age of instant information, more and more, people are focused on obtaining a healthy and youthful life – the good life. In other words, the search for quality old age is on. Without a doubt, it’s…
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The Value of Strong Core Muscles…

Our bodies once received enough physical activity simply through the act of survival. It was natural and built into our daily actions/needs, and provided an automatic way for us as humans to be fit. But times have changed. How many…
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Body Weight Exercise: Is it Effective for Strength Training?

Before the advent of modern gyms offering a wide range of free weight and resistance training machines those who wanted to improve their strength and fitness did so using their own body-weight. Body-weight exercises are strength training exercises that do…
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