Your Body Requires Good Fats and So Does Your Brain…



Fat is back…literally.

The once demonized word “fat” is taking on new perceptions and the low-fat craze that dominated for years has come to an end along with eliminating the many healthy fats that nature provides us.

The new dietary guidelines for Americans set forth by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and Health and Human Services, although still recommending that we eat no more than 10% of our daily calories from fat, is backs evidence that reveals that eating healthy fats such as fish, certain oils, nuts and other veggies like avocados have protective effects against disease and in particular cardiovascular disease.

There are many benefits to enjoying good fats. First off, they taste good so they help to fill you up and you end up eating less. They also help your body to absorb a host of important vitamins and many ward off disease.

The really important thing about fats is their source – where they actually come from. Fats we get from natural foods that Mother Nature so generously supplies us such as grass-fed meats and avocados are beneficial while fats found in all processed and junk foods (including any store made/bought baked goods) wreaks havoc on our health.

Fats are either constructive because they contribute to our bodies health while others are considered destructive…they help to destroy our body and our health.

Types of Fats:

All fats are not created equal…

Unsaturated fat: Found in seeds, nuts, vegetable oils and seafood. It is liquid in form.

Saturated fats: Some saturated fats are also good for us. This type of is found in things like meat, butter and palm and coconut oil (coconut oil was once thought to be bad for us but times and thoughts have shifted). This fat is solid.

Trans-fats: These fats start out liquid but they are made into solids after going through a process called hydrogenation. These fats are bad for you and in 2015 were actually banned from food supplies. They should be completely off the grocery shelves by the year 2018.


Here’s a short list of healthy fats that should be included in your diet:

Olive Oil: The most beneficial olive oil is the extra-virgin kind because it does not go through as much processing as other oils do before it reaches your kitchen. Olive oil has been the long-time winner for healthy fat. Research has shown that it helps lower your risk of contracting cancer, diabetes and most effective at lowering your risk of heart disease. The only thing you should be cautious of so you do not overdue it when using any type of oil is the calories because fats are high in calories.

Fish: The brain is made up of mostly fats and your body requires them to stay sharp and healthy mentally. Fish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids…essential for brain function. If mercury content is a concern of yours then some good choices for you would be salmon, herring, sardines, trout and Atlantic and Pacific mackerel (but not king mackeral).

Eggs: Eggs were once demonized because of cholesterol concerns but they have regained their popularity because researchers now believe that the cholesterol you eat has no bearing on the amount of LDL cholesterol (artery clogging kind) in the bloodstream. Eggs are a natural for breakfast, offer important protein to our bodies and help us to feel full longer.

Nuts: Clean, pure nuts…without the added honey, oils, sugar or glazes are the perfect go to healthy snack. Just one handful of nuts provides a powerhouse of nutrients including vitamin E, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Research is showing that enjoying just one ounce of nature’s most perfect snack can reduce the risk of heart disease by nearly 30%, diabetes by 50% and stroke by 30%. Once again…the only concern is calories so if you are dieting just be aware of the amount you are eating and work those calories into your daily allotment.

Avocados: Without a doubt these fruits are one of nature’s healthiest offerings. Low in sugar, avocados are a good source of vitamins B, C and E plus they offer natural plant chemicals that can reduce your risk of cancer. With nearly 20 vitamins and minerals in every serving its no wonder they are a classified as a super-food. They are making appearance in dips, salads, smoothies and have become a favorite fat to healthy conscious cooks that use them as “fat” in baked goods as well such as brownies.

For recipes that promote health and eliminate gluten, sugar, white flour and unhealthy fats, check out “” where you’ll find 100 raw snack and treat recipes sure to delight your whole family.

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