Be Your Own Best Friend


How is it that we can be a good friend to everyone but ourselves?

If you can be solid as a rock for others, then of course you can be that for yourself too.
In fact, you must be.
Sometimes, we need to look deep inside ourselves and address feelings, thoughts, and self-beliefs that might be standing in the way of our own success.

Are you your own worst enemy or your own best friend?

  • Do you sabotage your own actions or are you firmly committed to your health and fitness goals?
  • Do you stay positive, focused, and treat your body and yourself well?
  • Do you truly own it?

No matter your age, you can be your own best friend. You are in very capable hands.

Being your own best friend means you like yourself and look after your body as you would for a close friend. It means not beating yourself up or engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors, particularly in the areas of healthy eating and exercise.

Even if you are overweight, you must believe without a doubt that you deserve to have exactly what you want—a strong, fit, slim, healthy body.

Treat yourself with the same care and compassion that you offer to others, and you will create a foundation for true success and well-being. It’s called self-love. It is the greatest love you can give and the greatest love you can receive.

When you decide to become your own best friend you use tools and techniques to enrich your life.

You find out how much physical activity is the optimum for you and how to nourish yourself better, from the inside AND the outside.

You take responsibility for yourself, overcome the victim trap and accept your authentic self warts and all.

The path to achieving your dreams starts from within.

Watch what you say to yourself.

If you catch your self-talk being negative, immediately counter it with something positive. The more you do this the better you get at it!

Focus on your needs.

No matter how busy you are or how long your to-do list gets, your health and happiness must come first. Taking care of yourself should always be a priority.

Practice tough love.

It’s crucial to hold yourself accountable at times. Just like you would for a friend, remind yourself when it’s time to give up bad habits and replace them with actions that will lead you to your goals. A little tough love can go a long way.

Commit to change, and then make it happen!

It’s important to understand though, it’s not always easy to get this healthy lifestyle thing down! The truth is that it takes serious, conscious effort, and the sooner you embrace that fact, the better. Wishing it was easy will only leave you feeling frustrated and stuck in old habits time and time again.

As the saying goes, the best things in life aren’t easy and don’t happen without a bit of struggle, trial and error and hard work. After all you don’t get the things you wish for, you get the things you work for.

Develop Healthy Habits

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.

Our lives are filled with days, our days are filled with hours, and this present hour is filled with whatever you chose to fill it with. So pursue healthy habits that add value to your hours, days, and lifetime.

Prioritising your own health and wellbeing is one of the best things you can do, not only for yourself but also
for your loved ones.

The reality is, we are physically, emotionally and mentally well when we are looking after our own needs, but this needs to be a lifelong habit, not a once in a while thing. It also helps us be better company – better employees, partners, friends and carers – so go for it!

You CAN choose a healthy lifestyle that promotes all the good things in life regardless of past issues or failures. It’s time to move forward into better habits and wellbeing and one day at a time is how you will get there.

Start today!

You can lead a higher quality of life…

It’s time to take command of your health through lifestyle changes…

“Wellness Wakeup Call” can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

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