Healthy Shopping and Food Prep Tips

  Nutrition impacts every single element of your life. Your daily energy levels, weight, risk for disease and even the level of self-confidence you feel about your outer appearance are all tied to nutrition and nutrition comes down to habit.…
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Juicing Promotes Stellar Health

The body is an amazing self-healing machine when fed the right foods and proper nutrients and vegetable juice will become a health gift that pays huge dividends over time. Adding live vegetable juices to one’s diet as a daily routine…
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Big Fat Weight-Loss and Fitness Lies

Whatever your weight and fitness goals may be, before you dive in working towards them, it’s important that you first get educated and come to grips with some of the biggest lies perpetuated about the weight-loss/fitness industry.  If you don’t,…
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Protein Power…

Macro-nutrients are the nutrients that make up the foods you consume over the course of the day. Proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fats all fall into this category. When you begin any kind of resistance training, it’s very important that you…
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Get Rid of Body Fat and Reshape Your Body Into Something You Love

We live in a society focused on appearance. We love beauty in all shapes and sizes and admire those whose bodies are lean, symmetrical and firm. Although it’s too easy to pass this off as “great genes” which in our…
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2 Simple Metabolism Boosting Solutions

We all know of people who stay slim despite eating anything they want. What gives? It’s because of their fast metabolism (the body’s engine). They burn more fuel (calories) not only when they are exercising but when they are sitting…
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Enjoy Raw Food Cookies Without the Guilt!

Foods enjoyed in their raw state are becoming more and more popular. For good reason. Raw foods, the kind nature prepares with sunlight, nutrient rich soil, and rain are the most natural foods of all. They are the easiest to…
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Self Confidence is a Super-Power

The confidence you exude to others is not something that can be learned. There are no set of rules that must be followed because self-confidence is actually a state of mind – a result of the feelings of acceptance and…
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Smart Nutritional Strategies

  Trying to lose weight and take off excess fat? Nutrition plays a pivotal role in prepping the body for success with any weight/fat loss efforts because it has a large influence over hormonal status. Hormones rule. If your hormones…
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Wellness is More Than Just the “Absence of Disease”

There’s a revolution in the air. Something powerful enough to change the path that mankind is taking. We are currently waking up to the fact that health is not just the “absence of disease” and our current health care system…
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