The Value of Self Discipline


We live in the age of technology, an age that provides us a wealth of information that is readily available at our fingertips on every subject imaginable. A new generation of health and fitness seekers has emerged as people all over the world, seek out alternative ways to feel better and live longer, turning to the Internet for answers. 

Often, because of a serious lack of self-discipline, taking personal inventory to evaluate what is needed to permanently improve conditions first, succumbs to “instant gratification” – the “quick-fix” road that eventually leads to disappointment and defeat.

The “easy way out” seekers turn to surgical procedures, drugs/medications, potions, lotions and unrealistic “trending” diets – all dangerous lifestyles that cannot be sustained for the long-run. Even if a modest amount of success is experienced, it’s never a permanent solution.

Strong muscles and less stress are just two of the many benefits that working out provides. Self-discipline is the big one.

Staying fit and healthy is no different than succeeding at any other endeavor. The ability to express and exercise self-discipline is key – discipline to stick to a healthy diet and discipline to make fitness a priority each day.

Self-discipline means being in control of yourself – your actions and reactions. It is the power that helps you to follow through and stick to your decisions and consistently work towards your goals without changing your mind. It is a learned behavior that nearly all successful people contribute their success to.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments!”

Lacking self-discipline?

Ready to develop and boost more health and fitness self-discipline?

Ironically, the very thing you are trying to achieve is the thing that promotes and develops self-discipline – your workout routine!

If you are looking to boost your self-discipline, look no further than your fitness routine…one area of your life you have 100 percent control over.

What actions you take with your body and what you put into your body are totally under your control and your fitness level is the perfect gauge to measure how you are living the rest of your life.

Treat your workout routines as unbreakable appointments that must be kept and they will reward you. They are one of the best – if not the best – discipline training methods freely available to everyone!

The Power of Consistency – Pair self-discipline with the power of consistency and watch this dynamic duo slowly, but surely move you closer to your health, fitness and longevity goals.

Permanent health and fitness  –

To make wise business decisions, one must be properly informed and working towards your health and fitness goals is no different. Taking notes and tracking any changes that occur to your body, mental state and energy levels fosters success. That means keeping a log or journal.

It’s easy to avoid dangerous choices based on impulses, emotions and popular trends while embracing positive, rational decisions when you have valuable information readily available you can rely on. 

Permanent health and fitness are not gained through “get rich quick” schemes, nor can they be gained through instant gratification. They are a direct result of exercising healthy choices and the reality is, if you are not performing actions that improve your fitness, then you are automatically starting to deteriorate it.

The choices you make daily either move you closer to your health and fitness goals or away from them.

The equation is simple and straight-forward. Those that consistently employ self-discipline, make working-out and eating healthy high priorities. They experience the best health, fitness and longevity results.

Whether your goals are related to fitness, diet, business/work, or relationships, self-discipline is the one trait needed to reach them, maintain a healthy lifestyle, live a long, active, life and ultimately be happy!

Remember, to be patient with yourself. You will experience ups and downs along the way to your goals, and may even fall off the saddle a few times. When it happens – forgive yourself and move on. Guilt breeds negativity, never good for anyone.

Having a healthy reserve of self-discipline to call on in challenging situations is key to getting back on track quickly. The longer you are removed from reaching for your goals, the harder it is to get momentum going in a positive direction again. This is where personal self-discipline reserves come in.

If you don’t already, begin treating your body like a business and give it the attention and the discipline it deserves. Your reward will be stellar health, increased fitness levels and quality longevity!

Embrace a higher quality of life through consistent action.

Time to take control of your life through healthy lifestyle changes.

“Wellness Wakeup Call” can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness


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