The Insulin Resistant Merry-Go-Round


It is well known that elevated blood sugar is the precursor to diabetes. What is not so well known is the fact that glucose or insulin levels are also risk factors for cancers and the risk rises as insulin levels rise.

Insulin is the hormone that instructs the body’s cells to uptake glucose from the blood-stream but when the cells have all they can handle they shut the door and won’t let anymore in.

Insulin resistance on the other hand is a condition in which cells fail to respond efficiently to normal actions of the hormone insulin and the result is the body gradually becoming more and more resistant to the effects of its own insulin, eventually becoming chemically unbalanced. This is very common in people with obesity or type 2 diabetes.

The pancreas compensates for this insulin resistance by producing more insulin which eventually leads to an increase in blood insulin levels. When insulin resistance occurs, high levels of glucose remain circulating around the body together with high levels of insulin as the body tries to clear glucose from the blood stream.

The pancreas cannot maintain this high insulin output indefinitely and the result is insulin levels begin decreasing while blood sugar levels increase. This situation sets up the perfect scenario for weight gain and other even nore serious health issues like diabetes.

High levels of insulin in the blood stream are, without doubt, detrimental to the body. This dangerous condition suppresses the level of fat burning hormones, putting the brakes on and not allowing the body to burn fat for energy. 

In other words, excess insulin levels make us fat and keep us fat. This merry-go-round continues until we correct the imbalance.

Insulin is the hormone that regulates glucose metabolism and other important functions like stimulating cell proliferation and survival. When our bodies are fed lots of high nutrient rich foods insulin increases but it drops when we are in a fasting state.

Obesity induces insulin resistance and effects the body’s ability to shuttle glucose into cells, especially after consuming a meal high in carbohydrates.

When body tissues become resistant to the action of insulin which often happens with obese people, a balancing mechanism increases its production further leading to chronic hyperinsulinemia. 

Although other factors such as poor thyroid function can cause insulin resistance, unhealthy dietary choices…especially foods rich in refined sugars and carbohydrates as well as refined, saturated and polyunsaturated fats are the primary players that impair glucose and insulin homeostasis.

Leading sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, emotional stress and exposure to environmental toxins are all lifestyle stress triggers that can lead to insulin resistance.

Obesity and Cancer –

Although the link between the two – obesity and cancer – has been well established, it is still in the early stages of research.

However, recent research linked obesity with the incidence and mortality of a number of cancers such as pancreas, colon kidney, prostate cancer in men and breast and endometrial cancer in women.

The consistent, continuous activation of insulin pathways contributes to cancer development by fueling cancer cell growth.

We can no longer ignore this fact – that diabetes and obesity are causative factors in cancer development especially for older people. Sadly both are are escalating on a worldwide scale.

Paying attention to our diets and lifestyle is mandatory if we want to beat diseases like cancer because diet and lifestyle are, for the most part, the decisions we make over and over.

No one should have to deal with the effects of cancer or any other disease for themselves or their loved ones. Most diseases can be avoided, but we must take proactive responsibility steps/right actions ahead of time.

The right challenging exercise program combined with a nutritious, healthy diet is the dynamic formula empowered to bring our body back into healthy ranges It lowers our risk of getting any dreaded, life-changing diseases like cancer. That’s a good thing!

It’s time to lead a higher quality of life and the benefit of extended years…

“Healthy Self Healing” can help you do just that…

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