Exercise Helps Boost Focus and Concentration…

By |2019-12-22T17:09:53+00:00December 22nd, 2019|Business, Habit, Life Success, Mind Power, Motivation to Exercise, Proper Exercise, Self-Discipline|

Our modern lives are very demanding and “busy” has become one of the most abused words in the English language. Our constant connection to phones, emails, texts, and social sites like Twitter and Facebook, with phone apps pinging at every opportunity is extremely distracting. We as a society, are overloaded with information and daily [...]

Stop Those Food Cravings

By |2019-11-19T14:42:17+00:00November 19th, 2019|Disease Prevention, Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Hormones, Metabolism, Mind Power, Self-Care, Self-Discipline, Stress|

Every one of us has experienced, from time to time, a sudden urge for a certain food or drink. Sometimes these urges become an intense craving, destroying the best laid eating plans. Food cravings are insistent and usually an uncontrollable desire for a certain type of food that people will go to any length [...]

Set Yourself Up For Success

By |2019-07-08T11:22:01+00:00July 8th, 2019|Habit, Happiness, Life Success, Mind Power, Self-Discipline|

Seeking out the proper diet and workout program is usually the first thing people do after finally making the decision to lose weight. Without much thought, they jump right in believing that sooner or later they will see the results they are after. However, if the mind is riddled with negative self-talk, limiting beliefs [...]

Exercise is Mandatory for Healthy Bodies…

By |2022-03-21T13:40:37+00:00June 26th, 2019|Habit, Happiness, Life Success, Mind Power, Motivation to Exercise, Self-Discipline|

It’s no secret that maintaining an active lifestyle is mandatory if we want to stay fit and healthy, physically, mentally and emotionally. However, in a world full of time consuming demands, finding time to get our workouts in can be challenging. Sadly, with work, family and school activities quickly filling the schedule, if we [...]

Motivation Moves Mountains…

By |2022-03-21T13:41:20+00:00June 11th, 2019|Habit, Mind Power, Motivation to Exercise, Self-Discipline|

Wanting to get personally fit or lose some excess weight is an admirable desire. However, having little to no motivation to do it can be a frustrating experience. Unfortunately, problems with motivation levels are often caused by the part of us that instinctively resists change – opting for the assumed “safe option.” This is [...]

Honor and Love Yourself First…

By |2019-05-25T13:24:12+00:00May 25th, 2019|Habit, Happiness, Life Success, Mind Power, Self-Care, Self-Discipline|

“Half the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.” Josh Billings Are you a people pleaser? Have you bought into the prevalent guilt trip that you must be doing for others or you've entered the realm of selfishness? Do your own feelings suffer [...]

You are Not a Victim to Your Genes

By |2019-12-17T17:29:25+00:00May 7th, 2019|Habit, Happiness, Life Success, Mind Power, Self-Care|

Have you made yourself a victim of heredity? Do you believe that your life is predetermined by your gene pool and you have little if any control over what happens to your health? If so, you’re not alone. This common, current belief is called “Genetic Determinism” and big pharmaceutical companies have a huge stake [...]

Use Journals and Diaries for Healing Past Trauma

By |2019-04-16T22:15:42+00:00April 16th, 2019|Depression, Habit, Happiness, Life Success, Mind Power, Self-Care, Stress|

Keeping a journal or personal diary is one of mankind's' oldest traditions. We can easily experience the thoughts, feelings and emotions our distant relatives may have felt when reading their preserved words and countless pages that are kept private throughout the life of the writer. You don't have to be female to enjoy the [...]

Your Live Your Best Life Ever by Developing a Healthy “Success Muscle”

By |2019-04-05T13:01:55+00:00April 5th, 2019|Habit, Happiness, Life Success, Mind Power, Self-Care|

No matter what our passions and goals might be, the world is abound with unlimited opportunities to reach those goals, to be successful, realize our passions and fulfill our dreams. Success or failure achieving these things depends on the choices we make along the way and the choices we make depend on our perceptions. [...]

Shift Out of Victim Mentality…

By |2022-03-21T13:42:14+00:00March 19th, 2019|Happiness, Life Success, Mind Power, Self-Discipline|

Attitude is everything. Mental attitude, no matter what the end goal is, either helps you get there or impedes your progress and one of the most damaging attitudes anyone can adopt is victim-mentality. What is victim-mentality? Victim mentality is a negative mindset. It places blame on other people and circumstances for any unhappiness felt [...]

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