Transmuting Negative Thoughts to Positive Ones Reflecting a Healthier You

BEFORE YOU EMBARK on any sort of eating plan or exercise program, and especially if you have racked up failed attempts to stick with it in the past, you need at the very least to examine the way you think,…
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Be Your Own Best Friend

How is it that we can be a good friend to everyone but ourselves? If you can be solid as a rock for others, then of course you can be that for yourself too. In fact, you must be. Sometimes,…
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Building Healthy Habits That Stick

It’s unfortunate that many individuals endure prolonged periods of low energy and suboptimal health, significantly impacting their overall enjoyment of life. Despite attempting various remedies such as trendy diets, naturopathic treatments, massages, supplements, and superfoods, the desired results often remain…
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Muscles are Mandatory

Although modern medicine is continually finding cures for many diseases and illnesses our health has been steadily declining since World War II. In the last four decades alone the prevalence of overweight adults has increased from 31 percent to 64…
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Virtues for a Prosperous and Fulfilling Life

Virtue – behavior showing high moral standards. A virtue is a a commendable quality or trait, a powerful force. Even the Latin root of the word virtue means strengh or power. Virtues are a ways of thinking that enhance our…
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A Full Body Workout that Works!

Are you tired of thinking about which body parts need exercise today, or how often the exercises you’ve adopted for particular muscles and limbs need rotating to stay effective? Are you looking for a full body workout that does exactly…
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The Driving Factor Behind Fitness Success –

It’s great that we focus on the best eating plan and exercise program that works for us in order to achieve great results in the shortest amount of time. However, there is one thing that comes into play before any…
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Lack of Sunlight and Vitamin Deficiency

Sometimes in life we swing the pendulum wildly from one course of action to the other. Such is the case with our relationship with the sun. For many, the sun has become the bad guy. They’ve been told their whole…
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Courage is a Positive Character Trait

To be authentic, to express and live as the person we truly are in our heart, takes courage. Courage is not a trait given to a few select or random individuals at birth while denying others. Courage is a character…
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Strength Training Helps Eliminate Emotional Stress

Our modern-day lives are indeed busy. Technology continues to speed up our world, placing excessive demands on our time, causing personal expectations to rise. This undue stress ends up plagueing us with health damaging, negative emotions as it weaves its…
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