Rid Yourself of Ugly Belly Fat

By |2022-03-14T22:26:51+00:00March 14th, 2022|Anti Aging Exercise, Belly Fat, Disease Prevention, Foods that Build Lean Muscle, Healthy Balanced Eating, Metabolism, Proper Exercise, Self-Care, Self-Discipline|

Sadly the focus of our society is on getting skinny and losing weight. We jump for joy when we see the latest diet hit the shelves. These diets; however, are very dangerous. The majority of these fad diets focus on a very small calorie intake. When we consume less calories or fuel than our [...]

Lack of Sunlight and Vitamin Deficiency

By |2022-02-28T16:28:31+00:00January 27th, 2022|Depression, Disease Prevention, Happiness, Self-Care, Weight Loss, Wellness|

Sometimes in life we swing the pendulum wildly from one course of action to the other. Such is the case with our relationship with the sun. For many, the sun has become the bad guy. They've been told their whole lives to cover up and not allow their skin exposure to the sun for [...]

The Power of the Humble Squat

By |2022-01-18T00:36:51+00:00January 18th, 2022|Build Your Core, Disease Prevention, Habit, Proper Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles|

We now know, without doubt, that sitting for prolonged periods of time is devastating to our health and longevity. Our sedentary lifestyles are taking a toll and many people can no longer perform basic, functional, natural movements without suffering pain or inviting illness. Believe it or not, the natural resting position of a person [...]

A Sedentary Lifestyle Promotes Accelerated Aging

By |2021-12-27T22:54:54+00:00December 27th, 2021|Anti Aging Exercise, Depression, Disease Prevention, Habit, Proper Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles, Youthfulness|

You only need to take a look around you to see that most everyone in so-called civilized nations are actually pursuing an “accelerated aging program”; one that leaves us feeling old and exhausted long before our time. Consuming a diet of primarily junk foods and fast foods and leading a sedentary lifestyle are the primary culprits. [...]

The Importance of Maintaining Healthy pH Levels

By |2021-12-05T20:53:26+00:00December 5th, 2021|Brain foods, Disease Prevention, Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Super-foods|

Acid-alkaline balance is a reference to the balance between the level of acids and non-acids (alkalis) found in the body’s fluids and tissues. The ratio of acids to non-acids can be determined by measuring pH levels. When pH levels are balanced health is also good and balanced. When an imbalance occurs, when we either [...]

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