Emotional Resilience Is a Trait You Can Develop

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There’s been a shift recently towards a more holistic approach to attaining a fit “wellness” lifestyle by encompassing other aspects besides the physical components including dimensions such as mental, social, spiritual, and emotional.


Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience is one of the hottest topics right now and refers to the ability to deal with emotions (both positive and negative) and effectively handle stress.

Its been called the “armour we need for modern life” and one of the easiest and most effective ways to live a calmer, more balanced existence as stress has now become a given, rather than something we need to deal with every so often.

And… the really good news is for wellness seekers. Like any other muscle, it’s something you can strengthen and develop over time. Yet more proof that where the body goes the mind will follow.

Just as you need to exercise your body to make it as strong and resilient as it can be, you must exercise your mind to ensure it’s equipped to rebound from life’s endless obstacles.

The most successful people are those that don’t allow challenges and setbacks to hold them back; instead, they use these moments as opportunities to propel themselves forward.

Whenever they experience something difficult or painful, ultimately they’re able to bounce right back and continue on their journey even stronger than they were before because they’ve cultivated a level of resilience that allows them to do so.

In other words, they’re emotionally fit.

After all, a healthy body weight, strong muscles and overall physical health aren’t the only results gained from regular exercise. Be assured there are also many emotional benefits, which are just as important.


5 feel-amazing reasons to get active:

  1. Increased confidence and sense of accomplishment. Every completed workout is a goal that has been set, acted upon and achieved. At times when you feel powerless in your world, a workout is all yours. It’s one hundred percent you making a decision and making it happen. This may seem insignificant in a whirlwind of challenges and adversity, but each small workout is a giant leap toward being in charge of your life.
  2. A clear mind and enhanced focus. Exercise increases oxygen and blood flow through your entire body, and it removes you from the hustle and bustle of the day. If you have a problem to solve or need a fresh perspective, get exercising as it is active meditation removing the clutter of a situation and will keep in you in the present moment.
  3. Less crankiness and more joy. Do you ever feel like you could make a list of 50 things going sideways in your life? Chances are 49 of those things will correct themselves if you simply head to the gym. Exercise releases a flood of chemicals called endorphins stimulating positive feelings.
  4. Stress reduction. In addition to endorphin surges, regular exercise is key for reducing and managing the negative effects of stress on our body systems. Stress releases cortisol and adrenaline, two hormones with the potential to cause a cascade of health (disease) problems built on a foundation of stress. One workout at a time you can improve your body’s resilience to stress, decreasing the overall amount of cortisol and adrenaline released.
  5. Improved mood, lowered anxiety. It’s a well-kept secret that people who exercise regularly also have lower risk of depression. Our pill-popping culture tends to emphasize medical interventions for psychological disorders over behavioural treatments which is a shame as the endorphins released improve overall mental health over the long term.

    When you exercise and as your levels of endorphins increase, your feelings of worry also start to diminish. You refocus your attention from your daily problems to the workout itself.

    You can gain a fresh perspective on even the most preoccupying concerns in your life by taking an exercise break. When you return to these daily problems, you approach them with renewed energy and even some new ways to figure out solutions.

Take Action

By taking active “exercise” steps to look after our health and wellbeing we can learn to reduce the impact of stress on our life by managing external pressures and developing our emotional resilience – the ability to adapt and bounce back during times of change and adversity.

To show up as the best versions of ourselves and experience the greatest wellbeing in our lives it is crucial that we are emotionally fit enough to deal effectively with stress, pressure and challenge.

It’s time to be intentional and make working out your mental health as important as working out your body, not just for the health benefits but also to be your best self and contribute to a better world.

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