Enjoy Your Daily Health Shake

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Who doesn’t want to live a long, healthy, vital life? One that we’re an active participant and not sitting on the sidelines? What’s the use of having our “senior years” if we can’t enjoy them? Living is about the quality of life now and in the future.

Living a healthy, vital, life is a human right, one that belongs to all of us. However, just like all things in life, there is a cost or energy exchange required dictated by our lifestyles, starting with diet.

Eating a nutrient dense diet is imperative if we are to give our body all the advantages it needs to ward off cancer and other life threatening diseases like diabetes and heart problems (currently the number one killer).

Most people very aware of the usual BAD suspects in their diet…you know, white bread, sugar, junk foods, fried foods, fast foods, candies, sugary drinks etc.

Let’s ignore them and focus on developing and exercising new positive habits and perceptions and integrate them into our diet.

The best tip I can offer to bolster your health and to help you succeed with your diet is to switch your center of perception from “exclusion” of foods by dieting to the “inclusion” of the right foods by smart choices.

What we’re reaching for is a full tummy…one so full of nourishing stuff that there is absolutely no desire to eat the BAD stuff.

An excellent way to achieve this is with a daily Health Shake.

You get so much quality nutrition in one health shake and it fills your tummy full so that you are satisfied and won’t need the same quantity of food you current consume.

Basic Rule –

  • When the quality of the food is increased, the quantity can be reduced which “lightens the load.” If you add a Health Shake to your daily diet and make it a priority, you no longer have to eat volumns of food to fulfill your nutritional needs.
  • It’s a fact that when most people try and lose weight they reduce the amount of food they are consuming and this ultimately kicks in those nagging, pesky cravings. Adding a Health Shake to your daily diet helps to eliminate the “bad stuff,” the cravings and addictions to certain foods are lessened.

Rather than being controlled by cravings and impulses, we become the controller. When the cravings stop, it’s much easier to stop the bad eating habits and we can finally say “I am on the right track with my eating and therefor my health and weight”

Health Shakes –

Including a daily Health Shake maximizes our micro-nutrient consumption. They make us feel fantastic but the best part is they help us to lose weight fast.

Health Shakes, when created properly, provide 50 percent of our daily nutrition. These include health-promoting protein, essential fatty acids, real food carbohydrate, water, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals including live enzymes…all of these will be used by the body.

Even if you do nothing else towards losing weight and increasing your health account, adding just this one thing…a Health Shake into your life every single day will produce magical results.

The Perfect Health Shake:

  • Protein powder (whey or plant based)
  • Fiber
  • Fruit (play mix up with your fresh and frozen organic berries)
  • Liquid (Water, ice; you can use unsweetened coconut water or substitute almond or any nut milk)

There are so many variations of this shake, just use your imagination. You can add ground flaxmeal and or chia seeds and give it that extra nutrient boost. The use of Swiss chard, kale and spinach or some sort of green leaf veggie (fresh or frozen) are excellent choices as well. Blend and enjoy.

Health Shakes are easy to implement. Once ingrained in your life  – they become a healthy habit.

For delicious and healthy dessert and snack recipes that incorporate veggies into the mix check out:

Blended Bites

You can find more healthy, raw desserts that are gluten and sugar free:

50 Raw Desserts

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

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