Self Confidence is a Super-Power



The confidence you exude to others is not something that can be learned.

There are no set of rules that must be followed because self-confidence is actually a state of mind – a result of the feelings of acceptance and self-love of mind and body as well as a firm belief in skills, ability and past experience.

Confidence and Self-Esteem

Confidence and self-esteem although closely related are not the same thing. How we feel about ourselves has much to do with the way we look – someone who is proud of their appearance presents themselves differently than someone who is not proud of their appearance. Those that are proud come across as secure about who they are and what they say and think.

Feeling worthy or not is reflected in our self-esteem but how we feel about our ability to successfully perform any tasks, roles or functions assigned to us is reflected (or not) in our confidence.

Often times, those with low confidence also suffer from low self-esteem but those with good self-esteem can also suffer low confidence.

Successful entrepreneurs know that a healthy body breeds healthy self-confidence and healthy self-esteem and because of that, they wholeheartedly embrace healthy living.

Without strong self-confidence driving them, they cannot approach or secure investors, gain funding or sell their product successfully to customers. In other words, they must be at the top of their game if running a successful business and influencing others is important to them. They know success relies upon healthy confidence and self-esteem levels. They understand the principle that it’s not about working harder but working smarter with all their faculties working for them not against them.

The reality is, they cannot function at peak performance and be in great physical shape if their eating and exercise habits are not healthy and consistent and neither can you.

Successful entrepreneurs have their priority list in order. They treat their health as a lifestyle not an occasional occurrence. They are fully aware that a few weeks without challenging exercise or eating a consistently poor diet can and will begin to have severe negative implications on their health and body as well as their minds and in the end their productivity and success.

Not something any of them can afford to take lightly. Liking the image you see reflected in the mirror goes a long way towards boosting your self-confidence. Working on your appearance with challenging exercise and proper eating habits is the quickest and surest way to build your self-confidence levels and boost your self-esteem. They are key ingredients to feeling energetic and confident.


Steps to healthy self-esteem:

When your body receives what it needs in the way of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins, it shows in your appearance making you feel better about yourself automatically. Your self-esteem soars.

Be patient with yourself –

Don’t expect instant results but give your self-confidence and self-esteem a chance to grow and get strong. Learn to trust in and take baby steps each one making you that much stronger.

Pay close attention to diet –

What you eat can and does affect your moods which in turn affects your self-confidence. For example, if you allow your blood sugar to drop too low or you might find yourself in a grouchy mood – not a healthy state to be in if you want to attract customers or “seal a deal.”

Focus on exercise –

Exercise not only promotes a lean healthy attractive body (one you will be proud of), it also boosts your hormonal levels by stimulating the production of endorphin’s – your feel good brain chemicals. So, not only does your body gain benefits with exercise but your mind and mood does too.

As a bonus, healthy self-confidence also breeds assertiveness – an important trait in standing up for yourself and your beliefs (being your own person) and not giving way to someone else’s’ ideas.

You can break the cycle of no exercise, poor eating habits, low self-confidence and poor self-esteem and replace them with a positive cycle of challenging exercise, healthy eating habits, healthy self-confidence, high self-esteem and healthy assertiveness.

Truth is, our mind and body are intimately linked – our bodies are affected by what’s in our minds and our bodies (how they look and how they feel) can also change how we feel emotionally.

Bottom line is this: when you are confident about your body the chances are much greater that you will feel this confidence in other areas of your life such as business and relationships.

If you are currently struggling with your own self-confidence, find a role model – or a few of them and watch and learn from those that are successfully fulfilling their goals and dreams. Bask in their light and allow their healthy self-confidence, eating and exercise habits to rub off on you.

It’s time to throw away all the false statements you’ve accepted about exercise and healthy eating and learn what it really takes to cement the healthy lifestyle actions you know you should be making but somehow just can’t make them stick.

Your self-confidence and self-esteem are counting on it…

Looking to discover the missing strategy that has kept you from reaching the level of success you dream about? 

“Super Productivity Secrets” is the answer you’ve been searching for. Written for entrepreneurs ready and willing to operate at full capacity, it is the ultimate lifestyle, fitness and success library.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

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