You Can Achieve a Priceless Lifetime Exercise Habit

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Today, there is a growing emphasis on looking good, feeling good, being well and living longer.

None of these things can happen unless you get into better physical shape.

Physical fitness is the key that opens the door. And a proven key to achieving these ideals is strength training exercise. It is one of the best and healthiest things you can do for yourself.

Being strong and fit has a positive impact on day-to-day quality of life as well as overall quality of life.

As your strength and endurance is improved all of your physical abilities improve. Vitality and zest for living increases along with self-esteem and self-confidence.

Using Groups For Health And Fitness1

You’ll be a happier, saner and more motivated person and your attitude and outlook on life will be much more positive. You’ll feel better than you would without exercise and you look better too.

On the other hand, the negative aspects of a sedentary or no exercise lifestyle are widely publicized and no secret anymore.

The connection between obesity and diabetes, cancer, heart disease and a number of other life threatening disease and conditions and a sedentary lifestyle has been proven by numbers that have already been well crunched.

Getting started and sticking with the new habit such as an exercise program can be challenging – especially the first few weeks. You’re likely wondering if you have the will to stick to your new exercise program long-term.

Priorities matter…

If being healthy and disease proofing your body is high on your totem pole of important things in your life you will.

“Turning a strength training program – and all its benefits – into a habit and a permanent part of your life is first and foremost a matter of sorting out your priorities.”



The next step is to boost your motivation (until you are hooked, that is).

After an initial “break-in” period of about 60 – 90 days, an exercise program does become more enjoyable. In fact, you’ll start enjoying your exercise or “me time” so much that youmotivation2 actually look forward to it and no longer need as much willpower to do it.

Excuses no longer hold any weight, and you don’t allow anything to get in its way of doing it.

Clothes start fit better and you start to see real changes in how you look and feel. You’ll feel an excess of energy to do something extra each day in the way of a leisure or fun activity that you have not had the motivation to do for a long time.

All of these things are “great motivators” continuing the cycle of “motivation.”

When you’ve reached this stage, your exercise program becomes a priceless habit, something that no amount of money can buy. It is rewarding and a very important part part of your life.

Forget about everybody else and impress yourself with personal self progress. That’s the only thing that matters.

This is the special gift that only you can are empowered to give the person you look at in the mirror every day. Within it are health, vitality and longevity.

Become a stronger, leaner, better you. Proper exercise and good health – (which is way more than just “not being sick.”) are on the same side of a coin, just as no exercise and bad health are on the flip side.

Heads you will win your health – tails you will lose your health. It really is a no brainer isn’t it?

Keep reminding yourself that an exercise program is not an option so much as it is a necessity of life. Don’t live your life now so that doctors and drugs are needed to patch you together later. Make exercise the only prescription you’ll ever need.

Begin your journey today. It’s all there for you – just reach out, take it and make it yours.

If you truly want to take command of your life and avoid disease somewhere down the road – your muscles need to be in tip-top condition…strong and toned at all times – starting now.

“Reclaim Your Longevity” can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Isn’t it time to throw away all the false statements you’ve accepted about dieting and exercise and learn what it really takes to stay healthy and fit long into your senior years?


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