Simple Tips to Help You Remove Excess Weight/Fat…


Looking to trim down and take off excess fat? Here’s a few tips to help you out:

Protein rich foods: Without a doubt, protein is the one type of food that you should be eating more of in your fat loss diet plan if you want to experience the best rate of fat loss progress possible. In fact, protein rich foods should be included with every meal or snack that you consume. 

Protein rich foods help to fill us up and calm our hunger pangs. They also are slower to break down and digest in the body avoiding that dangerous blood glucose spike you would otherwise get from processed carbohydrates that only promote fat gain.

In addition to squelching hunger pangs and helping us to feel full, protein rich foods have a “thermic effect of food,” meaning your body will burn up a high amount of calories simply through having to digest them and utilizing the nutrition they provide. You can burn 25 per 100 calories you consume so essentially you get a 25 percent spike to your metabolic rate.

People who eat protein rich diets are almost always leaner than those who are eating carbohydrate rich foods, assuming of course that they are choosing wise protein sources (those that provide quality   nutrition while keeping you lean). Steer clear of processed protein sources or fatty cuts of meat and opt for lean choices such as fish, chicken, seafood, turkey, lean red meat and eggs.

Eat smaller meals more often: Moving away from the traditional 3 square meals a day is one of the first steps you should take when trying to lose fat. It is a great way to crush your hunger. Eating five or six times daily or even more is the a much better way to control your hunger level and stabilize your blood sugar. Keep in mind though…these 6 meals must be smaller than if you were enjoying 3 meals daily so be sure to downsize your meals when you up your meal frequency.

However, the common notion that eating more often (such as 6 meals rather than 3) will mean faster metabolic rate has been disproved over and over. Metabolic rate increase has more to do with the size of the meal that you consume. If you eat 3 larger meals daily, you will get 3 large boosts to your metabolic rate and if you eat 6 smaller meals daily you’ll get 6 smaller metabolic boosts.

There are however many great advantages to switching to more frequent meals: less hungry, more energy, better food control etc.

Avoid liquid calories: Apart from healthy higher protein home-made smoothies, consuming beverages that contain calories such as soda, fruit juice, commercial smoothies and gourmet coffees, is the perfect set up for weight gain not fat loss. All of these are very high in total sugar content sending your blood sugar soaring and then crashing just as fast causing you to reach for more food – likely the simply sugar that dropped you to your knees to begin with.

This is a disastrous cycle that seriously impairs your health, setting you up for diabetes with the possibility of extremely high levels of fat gain. Not only will you likely experience weight gain but you will potentially be putting toxic chemicals into your body further tampering with your health.

Often when people “drink” their calories they don’t register like food calories might. So, be aware, whenever you drink a beverage that is not water, you must take into account the calories you are consuming and add them into your total daily calorie intake.

Go Gluten Free: Sometimes hot trends are just that…hot trends without much meat backing them. Not so with the gluten free trend. Truth is, more and more people are discovering how great they feel when gluten is eliminated from their diets even if they do not actually have a specific insensitivity to gluten. Often people don’t even realize just how much gluten containing foods are impacting them until they begin to take steps to remove them from their diet set-up.

The reality is, gluten containing foods have been proven to be the root cause of a number of different diseases, especially those that are auto-immune or inflammatory in nature.

Most people who adopt this lifestyle report thinking more clearly, experiencing less bloating and other gastrointestinal issues, enjoy an increase in energy on a day to day basis and some report that they are even sleeping better than ever and recovering faster after working out on a gluten free diet.

Our diets need to be rich in proteins, grass fed meats, fresh ocean seafood, colorful vegetables, juicy and food plate, flavorful fruits, whole grains and free range poultry and eggs even when snacking.

Discover the secret to eating tasty snacks and staying trim and healthy. Try “Blended Bites” for a variety of healthy, no bake, sugar and gluten free, delicious snacks and treats with energy boosting power.

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