Are You Disease Proofing Your Body?


Is it any wonder two thirds of us are overweight to some degree or another, a large percentage of us have either poor physical, mental or emotional health (or all three) and one out of two of us have a chronic ‘lifestyle’ disease?

It is easy to understand how this comes about when you consider how we lead our modern day lives characterized by:

 1)    Not exercising our muscles properly with proper strength training exercise and if we exercise at all choosing to perform low intensity, steady-state activity that does nothing to maintain overall body strength.

2)    Eating a diet high in processed and refined non-nutrient foods made up of man-made fats and sugars and laden with toxic chemicals that mess up our metabolism (our body’s engine).

3)    Eating on 1 or 2 large meals each day and not eating enough quality protein.

4)    Skipping meals in the hope of losing weight.

5)    Not having the coping mechanism caused by inadequate fitness to deal with excessive high stress levels caused by our ‘busyness’.

6)    Not getting enough restorative quality sleep.

When we live these types of lifestyles it goes against the most basic laws of nature and our body’s respond by becoming overweight and eventually sick. The killer diseases that are epidemic today such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes and dozens of others are ones we give to ourselves.

To make matters even worse we are passing them along to future generations. Children being born today have a predicted shortened lifespan of 20-30 years due to the lifestyles we are teaching them to live. This is the legacy we have left them alongside the amazing technological and mechanization wonders that we have created.

Living our modern day lifestyle is a sure-fire way to slow the metabolism, drain our strength and cause us to lose our vitality, vigor and enthusiasm for life. It also makes us overweight and more susceptible to disease and illness. Somehow we have forgotten about our health. It is as if it does not matter that we barely ‘move a muscle’ during the day sitting up to 80 percent of the day in a chair of one sort or another.

How do we think we can stay healthy when we know vigorous muscular activity is the only way vital ‘growth and repair’ hormones are stimulated so our cells get renewed, repaired and replaced?

Without these hormones there can only be decay and degeneration and this is what we are seeing with the out of control disease rates and epidemic overweight statistics.

The Good News

The good news is you do not have to go down this road.

Just two simple strategies will restore health and maintain it.

A program of strength training exercise performed just 2-3 times each week with a bit of effort into it is the ticket to a longer stronger disease free life supported by good nutrition.

Natural unprocessed whole foods that have not been messed around with by man will support your new activity levels.

Just those two strategies alone with counter so much of the negative affect of our modern sedentary lifestyles. Think of it as preventative medicine and insurance so that you will not be one of the unfortunate 400 million people predicted to die way before their time of preventative disease in the next 10 years.

We have easy accessibility to these two things but we also need to ditch the apathy and laziness that accompanies our ‘easy’ modern lifestyle. But it is a choice and we each must make a good choice so we remain the incredibly strong species that we have always been.

If you truly want to take command of your life and avoid disease somewhere down the road…

“Healthy Self Healing” can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Isn’t it time to throw away all the false statements you’ve accepted about dieting and exercise and learn what it really takes to stay healthy and fit long into your senior years?

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