We Are Paying a Very High Price for Our Comfortable Lives


Chances are you know someone who is suffering from poor health. You may even know of someone (it maybe you) that has an illness that causes a lower quality of life. It is hard to imagine how a permanent lifestyle ailment would feel to those that are well but the ranks of the walking wounded have become a serious health problem.

Chronic disease is a modern health holocaust that accounts for 70 percent of all deaths and is predicted to kill 388 million people worldwide within the next decade. Chronic diseases are those that are incurable and continue during a person’s lifetime and include the ‘big three’ killers of our time heart disease, cancer and diabetes. A large economic drain is placed on our communities and our countries medical systems as these villains suck 75 percent of all medical care costs.

These diseases are called ‘modern lifestyle diseases’ because they are preventable and are in fact caused mainly by our inactive sedentary lifestyles and the abundance and poor quality of our food. The 1000 million people that are overweight in the world have these diseases stalking them and many will be hunted down by them.

People that get the dreaded diagnosis from their doctor often think they are merely unlucky. But these diseases don’t suddenly happen; they can take years or even decades to develop and lie smoldering away inside the body. By the time they show symptoms it is way too late to cure them. At best they can be managed by drugs and medical procedures but often leave a person with a lower quality of life.

Imagine your life being at the mercy of doctors, drugs, tests, more tests, specialists, surgery and still no complete cure. What happens to your plans in life? What about the travel, being successful in your career or business? What happens to your children? Wouldn’t you have wanted to get to know your grandchildren – wouldn’t you want to be around to even meet them?

We risk all this and are prepared to pay this price because we want things to be easy, and comfortable, and we don’t want to put ourselves out with the inconvenience of an exercise program. Or we can’t be bothered cooking healthy meals and would rather take short cuts with food already prepared.


It is one thing that we make these choices for ourselves and play Russian roulette with our health but what about the children? It is predicated that children being born today will have a 20-30 year shortened lifespan. How can we feel happy about leaving this shocking legacy, this proof of our laziness and apathy to future generations?

Why don’t we do the simple things that could protect us from disease? A strength training exercise program 2-3 times each week would go a long way to preventing the muscle tissue loss that starts us on a downward spiral of declining health from our mid 20’s. Why can’t we take the time to cook whole natural foods from scratch that build health not rob us of it?

Why don’t we stop buying the pretty boxes of food on the supermarket shelves that are made with dirt cheap ingredients with zero nutrition and are full of unnatural chemicals that harm us?

What could be more important than our health?

We have become so doctor dependent that we rely on them to fix us up when we get sick.
But this is a ‘sickness system’ don’t confuse it with a health system as it just doesn’t exist. The ‘sickness treatment’ system only gets customers when they are sick not when they are well. After all there isn’t any money in encouraging people to be healthy but there is billions of dollars to be made treating sickness.

You are the only chance your body has.  If you don’t take responsibility for it, then who will?  Certainly, no doctor or drug can build you a strong, lean healthy body that is resistant to disease. To avoid an odds on chance of receiving a frightening diagnosis from a doctor at some point in your life you are the one that must step up and take a proactive role in creating vibrant health today.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:



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