Enjoy Cupcakes the Healthy Way…


cupcaike_coconutWith the success of “Cupcakes Wars,” cupcakes have become the most popular way to enjoy cake these days. It’s not surprising to find that even brides are craftily creating wedding cakes using cupcakes.

Is there a way to jump on this “cupcake” trend without consuming all the sugar and preservatives sometimes associated with traditional cake baking?

Is there a way to eliminate the culprits that have been linked to degenerative disease and weight gain including all bad carbs such as white flour and white sugar…and bad fats such as saturated fats and trans-fats as well as all the unhealthy chemicals and preservatives?

You bet there is.

You can create cupcakes (cake) using healthy raw ingredients. You can eliminate wheat, gluten, sugar and unhealthy fats that are present in old fashioned cooking and baking methods and easily replace those with healthy alternative ingredients.

Creating cakes, pies, cookies, creamy desserts, candies, and ice cream that tastes as good as or even better than traditional recipes is easy when you replace unhealthy ingredients with ground nuts for flour, dried fruits of all kinds to replace sugar and coconut oil and avocados to replace your cream, butter and eggs.

In other words…you really can “have your cake and eat it too.”

Incorporating more raw uncooked foods is the key to shifting lifestyles toward better overall health and well-being.

When we eat raw foods we not only eliminate toxic villains but we eliminate the “age worn” tradition of baking itself.

Cupcakes (or cakes) created this way are easy to make, take a reasonable amount of time, are cost effective and provide health-promoting vitamins, enzymes, fiber and healthy fats. They provide us with super nutrition, help prevent disease and overweight conditions and as an extra bonus, they help slow the aging process while increasing energy levels.

Believe me, once you try “healthy” raw “live food” recipes and experience the benefits they provide, you will never want to go back to your “dead” cooked versions.

Here’s a great cupcake recipe that your whole family will enjoy. For more exciting and delicious raw food desserts, snacks and treats visit: “50 Raw Desserts” volume one and two.

Chocolate Cupcakes with Coconut Frosting
Looking for a way to jump on the "cupcake" trend but don't want all those preservatives, sugar, bad fats and carbs in your diet? Try these raw, uncooked "Chocolate Cupcakes with Coconut Frosting" made with only raw ingredients that contribute to your health rather than destroy it.
Recipe type: Dessert, Snacks and Treats
Cuisine: Worldwide
  • 1½ cups walnuts
  • 1 cup dates (soaked 30 minutes and drained)
  • ½ cup coconut oil (warmly until liquid)
  • ½ cup cocoa or cacao powder
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla essence
  • 1½ cups desiccated (or fresh) coconut
  • ¼ cup honey
  • ½ cup coconut oil (warmed until liquid)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • mint or peppermint essence
  • water as needed
  1. Place walnuts and dates into food processor and blend until a sticky dough is formed.
  2. Add cocoa, coconut oil and vanilla and process again until well combined.
  3. Press mixture into silicone cupcake molds and place in fridge to firm up.
  1. Place all ingredients in food processor and blend until a dough like paste is formed adding a little water a tablespoon at time to allow mixture to become thick and creamy.
  2. Place frosting in fridge for a few hours to firm up or in freezer for an hour then place on top of chocolate base and decorate with coconut flakes.

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